Chapter 9

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Harry had cleared out part of his closet and helped me organize some of my clothes in it. Along with the things I had packed from my flat, I found a small collection of my tops and jeans and a few dresses that had apparently been left behind in the shuffle between Harry's house and my flat over the past months.

I had no idea what to wear when Anne and Gemma came over for dinner. Harry had told me he invited them so I could see them and work on getting to know them again. I was really glad he invited them. In the back of my mind, I had hoped seeing more people I once knew would make me more comfortable in this new world. But having excitement over seeing his family didn't help me settle on an outfit any faster.

I stood in front of a mirror in the closet looking at the dress I was wearing. It was black with long sleeves. It was a fit and flare style with a hem that reached the middle of my thighs. I wore tall stockings that reached over my knee but not quite to the edge of my dress. I finished my look with a long silver necklace. I got my style from working in the city and being friends with girls like Alessandra.

"You look so beautiful," Harry whispered as he appeared behind me.

"You think so?" I watched his reaction in the mirror as he placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Absolutely stunning." He walked around me and leaned in. He pressed his lips to my forehead and pulled back immediately with a blushed face and gentle smile. "My mum and sister will be here shortly."

"Let's go check on the food."

Harry had helped me cook for Anne and Gemma. He set the table in the kitchen for the four of us, and poured glasses of ice water. I pulled the last of the food from the oven and set it on the counter to cool.

The doorbell rang and Harry led the way to the entryway. I suddenly felt nervous. I couldn't remember ever meeting Anne or Gemma before. There were always nerves associated with meeting a boyfriend's family, but this seemed worse because they already knew so much about me. I hoped I would still be able to get along with them.

Harry reached up and opened the door. Standing on the other side were two beautiful women. Anne wore a long skirt and cardigan. She had a warm smile and eyes that were bright like Harry's. Gemma was behind Anne. She had a trendy maroon dress on and dark tights.

"Hello, loves!" Anne stepped forward and hugged me first. I had expected her to embrace her son, but she kindly turned to me. I watched as Gemma hugged Harry quickly. Anne let go of me and moved to Harry. Gemma walked over to me.

"You look well," she said sweetly before pulling me into her arms.

"Thank you."

We walked into the kitchen and everyone took seats at the table as I served the food. Harry offered to do it, but I pushed him away to see his family. It was good to see him interact with them. It really showed his heart. He was caring and loving.

"The food smells delicious," Anne smiled to me.

"Thank you," I grinned.

"How are you feeling, dear?" Anne questioned. I couldn't help but smile at the maternal inquiry.

"I get headaches pretty regularly and I have light sensitivity, but I've been getting better as time goes on. Harry has gone above and beyond for me. He's been keeping me sane."

"Good to hear you've been keeping yourself useful," Gemma teased Harry.

"And the memory?" Anne asked slowly.

"She had a memory come back to her!" Harry proudly announced. "It came in a dream a few nights ago."

"Oh?" Gemma looked surprised.

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