Chapter 87

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{Kate's Point of View}

Six days into the New Year, I was back behind my desk at Hendrix and Carter. I was thankful for a change of scenery and a set schedule. It was the perfect change of pace from lounging around my flat and sleeping in too late. I had gone from obsessing over my personal life to obsessing over the next project at work: Zayn's album launch.

By the time I got to work, I had an email waiting at the top of my inbox. It was an email sent from Mr. Hendrix to Mr. Carter and me. I clicked on the icon to read the message.


Your efforts on Zayn's album launch have not gone unnoticed. We are pleased with your performance as the lead digital strategist thus far. However, Mr. Carter and I have discussed the possibility of expanding your responsibilities at length. We would like to extend a new position for you. It would be temporary, lasting only until the end of February when the launch takes place. The position we are offering is the lead public relations representative. You would be working more closely with Mr. Carter and me. Please give us your answer be the end of the day.


Mr. Hendrix

I answered back immediately. I accepted the position and thanked Mr. Hendrix and Mr. Carter for the opportunity. It was incredible to think of how far my career had come since leaving One Direction. Working for management, I had been limited to one position. Here, I was being given challenges and chances. It almost felt like a good thing.


The sky was darkening outside my office window as clouds rolled in over London. I had an hour for lunch, but planned to work through it. I wasn't a close enough friend with anyone else at work to eat with them, and I didn't feel like going out. The weather was particularly cold and a wind was picking up.

I stood from my desk and grabbed my clutch from the drawer. Just as I was about to leave to use the bathroom, two women walked into my office. My eyes trailed from their stiletto-clad feet, up their trendy outfit, to their familiar faces.

"What are you doing here?" I couldn't contain my excitement.

"We missed you, babe!" Alessandra walked around my desk and caught me in a tight embrace.

"It's been ages since I've seen you!" Ruby gushed. I hugged Ruby tightly. I hadn't seen her in months.

"I can't believe you are here!"

"We wanted to some see your office. Is now a bad time?" Ruby asked.

"Now is a great time. I'm on my lunch break."

"You don't mind skipping?" Alessandra began closing my office door.

"Not at all! I want to catch up." I sat in my desk chair and the girls sat in the chairs across from me.

Our conversation followed a predictable pattern: ten minutes discussing Ruby's manicure, ten minutes discussing Alessandra's neurotic flatmate, and then we would change the topic to something Harry related. It was how every conversation between us went. Mostly because Harry was something we all had in common.

"That's adorable," Alessandra gestured to the black Saint Laurent clutch resting on my desk. It was classic black with the YSL monogram.

"Harry got that for her, remember? In Paris last summer."

I could feel my face heat up. I should have known Harry had bought the clutch for me, but I didn't have any memory of it.

"That's right! Remember how cute he was being? He couldn't decide between red and black. He was so worried what she would think!" Alessandra and Ruby giggled at the memory that belonged only to them.

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