Chapter 66

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{Harry's Point of View}

I spent the night lying in bed watching shadows shift across the ceiling. Sleep eluded me as my mind raced. I could hear my heart beating so loudly in my chest that I was sure it would stop pumping altogether. The weather outside was mild, but inside I shivered beneath the duvet. Fear and anxiety coursed through my veins in place of blood. I had never known a night so miserable.

My mind replayed the scene from the wedding again and again. I could hear the sound of the glass shattering on the floor. I could see the shards in a puddle of water at Kate's feet. I could see her face locked in horror with her hand cupped over her mouth. I could see her turn leave the room as guests watched with interest. I could hear Louis telling me it was her granddad—something happened to him.

Kate was incredibly close with her grandfather. Growing up, she lived just a few minutes from her grandparents' house and spent a lot of her childhood there. They traveled together in the summer and spent holidays together. She spoke to her grandparents over the phone regularly. I knew it pained her that she couldn't see them as often since she moved to London.

Louis had heard it was her grandfather while walking back from the toilet. He didn't get any details, but swore he would find out for me. There was no way I could call her and ask. The last thing she needed was a call from her ex-boyfriend prying for information. I wanted to respect her space, but I desperately wanted her to know that I was there for her. Despite the breakup, she still meant a great deal to me.

So I stayed in bed all night, never closing my eyes for a moment, and fighting off the desire to send her a text message. Louis mentioned that she boarded a flight right away with Eli and was on her way back home.


The smell of coffee wafted around the hotel lobby as I waited for Laura to come down. People stared as they walked by, and some even did a double take. It was attention I had grown used to years ago, but this morning it felt worse. I didn't feel like a celebrity, I felt like a caged animal. I shot disgusted looks to innocent people and hardly felt a shred of remorse.

My patience had worn thin through the night and my ability to resist getting more information diminished. Unable to hold myself back, I took out my phone and found Eli's number.

Me: I heard you and Kate headed home for an emergency. What happened? H

Eli: Kate's grandfather had a stroke. He's in the hospital. We just flew in and are on our way to see him.

My heart sank. I felt a lump in my throat form at the thought of Kate having to go through this alone. I wanted her to know that I cared about her. I wanted her to know it was going to be okay. I wanted to be there for her. I wanted to hold her.

Me: How is Kate doing?

Eli: She's very upset. I don't think she would want you to know this, but last night when we left the wedding, she asked for you. We got in the car and started to pull away and she said, "Someone get Harry." I asked if she meant that and she said no. She blamed it on an old habit.

Me: If she wants me there, I'll be there.

Eli: I don't think she knows what she wants. I'll keep you posted on things.

Me: Thanks. H.

I put my phone away reluctantly. The thought of her asking for me weighed heavily on my heart. I wanted to call Julia and ask her to reschedule the radio interview or have one of the other boys do it, but just as I was about to call Julia, the blonde-bobbed Laura appeared.

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