Chapter 77

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{Harry's Point of View}

The plane jerked and shuddered as it landed. The wheels screeched across the runway as the pilot braked. I instinctively reached my right hand out to take Kate's hand. She was always nervous during takeoffs and landings. But my hand brushed against the upholstery of the empty seat beside me. Kate wasn't there. I let my hand fall back to my lap pathetically.

As the plane taxied to the gate, I took my phone from my bag. I had slept most of the lengthy flight from Sydney to London. My phone had been off, so I waited for it to turn on. Immediately, several notifications from missed calls appeared on the screen. They were all from Eli. A text message from him came through.

Eli: Harry, please call me as soon as possible. Eli.

My heart rate intensified. Eli would not be calling with news unless it was regarding Kate. My left leg bounced nervously as the plane slowed against the gate. The flight attendants had already been instructed to let Niall and me off the plane first. I gathered my belongings, ready to rush off the plane.

"Thank you for flying with us, Mr. Styles. It was a pleasure having you aboard," the flight attendant beamed as I exited the plane.

"Thank you," I nodded curtly.

"Hey! Harry! Wait up!" Niall pushed is headphones around his neck and struggled to unplug his phone from the cord as he followed me. "You're nearly running!"

"I have to make a call. It's urgent," I said over my shoulder.

"Well wait for Nick, Harry. There are loads of fans all over Heathrow."

I had forgotten about all the fans at the airport. Though it was only Niall and me arriving today, fans had been camped out at the airport for two days. Liam and Louis had stayed in Sydney to meet with a couple of songwriters. They would be back in London the day after. The prospect of only seeing two members of the band didn't deter fans from gathering in droves.

Nick and a few other security guards appeared to escort us to our awaiting cars. We passed through a sea of eager fans. I felt the sleeves of my shirt being tugged on by excited hands. My name was chanted over and over. I quickly scribbled my signature on outstretched notebooks and photos of myself. I waved to the no one in particular, but heard the screams fans claiming I had directed it at them.

"Niall is taking the first car, Harry. You have the second."

"Fine," I muttered to Nick as he pointed to the two cars idling in a roped off corner of the passenger pick-up zone. I adjusted my bag on my shoulder and marched toward the SUV. I slid into the backseat to find the familiar face of Peter, my usual driver.

"Welcome home, Harry," Peter smiled.

Home. London certainly didn't feel like home without Kate. "Hello, Peter."

"Am I taking you to your townhouse or you country house?"

"Townhouse," I replied. "I have things to pick up."

"Right away, Harry." Peter pulled the SUV into the stream of cars exiting the airport.

I was terrified to make the call. I waited until Peter had wedged us deep into London traffic, until I thought I might combust. I found Eli's contact in my phone and pressed the call button. The phone rang a few times until Eli picked up. "This is Eli."

"Hey, it's Harry. I got your message."

Eli cleared his throat, "I knew you were on your flight, but this isn't news that can wait. It's about Kate."

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