Chapter 92

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{Kate's Point of View}

I dreamed of Harry every night for the next several nights. By now I knew that dreams of Harry were not fictitious stories my brain conjured up at random; they were memories. Consecutive nights were filled with fleeting recollections of Harry and I together. I never got the full memory; just splintered off pieces my torn mind gifted me. I was grateful nonetheless. I would wake and soak in the memory. As my collection accumulated over the weeks, each would replay in my mind day after day like a catchy song on the radio. Outdated as they may have been, I loved each memory.


I walked into the office with the smile still permanently etched on my face. My feet still ached from the heels I wore two nights before. I couldn't get the smell of his cologne off of me—not that I wanted to. I could still feel the silk of his suit under my fingertips long after we stopped touching. Just having his phone number made my phone feel heavy.

"Someone looks happy," Alessandra said in a sing-song voice. She handed me an iced tea, but I waved her off.

"No, thank you. I don't need the caffeine."

"Suit yourself," she smirked. "You know, the whole office is talking about you."

"Why?" I feigned innocence.

"Oh, I don't know..." Alessandra leaned in close to me and in a harsh, teasing whisper said, "You only spent the entire wedding dancing with Harry Styles!"

I giggled as I backed away. "That's all that happened. I went home with you."

"True," she nodded, "but a few of the stylists that were there said they overheard Harry talking about you after we left."

"That might be his ruse," I shrugged. "You know, he talks to one girl all night so he can have her attention later. Maybe he likes the satisfaction of knowing he's on a girl's mind."

Alessandra let out an exasperated sigh, "Harry Styles doesn't need a ruse for that, babe."

She was right. At any given moment, Harry was likely on the minds of thousands of girls all across the world. I just smiled and started walking toward my desk while Alessandra laughed behind me.

It was no secret that the band would be coming to a meeting at the office. A new website was launching in the U.K. that was interested in having the boys be their spokespeople. The digital strategy department was organizing a proposal. Ruby and Laura were leading the meeting and had asked me to sit in. Everyone was abuzz with excitement over Harry, Liam, Louis, and Niall coming in.

I ignored the pounding in my chest as I followed Ruby and Laura to the conference room where the band was already waiting. Laura opened the door and walked in first. She gave an energetic greeting that was replied to with a series of muttered hellos. I followed Ruby in closely and as she said hello, I glanced around the room. Four boys were already seated and there were only two chairs left. One for Laura, one for Ruby.

Laura was situating herself in the first chair and Ruby had her hand on the back of the second ready to pull it out and sit down. With my eyes darting all over the room and trying to calculate my next move, I didn't realize Harry had been watching me.

"Have my seat," he stood up.

I looked at Harry properly for the first time since walking in. He was taller than I remembered—though today I had selected flat sandals over heels like I had worn at the wedding. His v-neck shirt was low on his chest. Sunglasses balanced in the v. His hair was pulled back in a bun.

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