Chapter 37

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{Kate's Point of View}

I woke up from an agitated sleep with rapid breathing and a shiver running down my spine. At some point, I had kicked the duvet and sheets away from me and my legs were defenseless against the cold room. I was still slightly dazed from coming out of sleep so quickly, and I immediately reached to my left for Harry. My hands gripped more cold sheets and not the warm body I was searching for.

I sat up and glanced around the room. My eyes adjusted to the dark and I could see that the pillow beside me had not been moved and the sheets and duvet on the other side of the bed were untouched. He had never been here. Harry was away across and ocean on another continent.

The realization felt like slipping into cold water. It was an instant shock, but then turned into a painful discomfort that made me feel numb. I readjusted the bedding around my body and lay back against the pillows.

I thought about Harry and wondered if he was sleeping. I wondered if he had trouble getting to sleep without me. Maybe he didn't. Maybe he fell right back into his tour habits and fell asleep with a smile put on his face by fans. Maybe he was still awake and talking to his friends. Maybe he was secretly glad to have a bed to himself so he wouldn't have anyone to wake him up in the night to report dreams.

I rolled into my side to look at the bedside table. It had only been an hour since I had gone to bed. I had been convinced it was much later. I had to have been sleeping for a few hours. A dark feeling crept into my mind that this was how the next few months were going to be. The night was torturous and it wasn't even half over.


{Harry's Point of View}

I sat on the edge of the bed not even wanting to get in. It would just be too cold and too big and too empty. I would just lie there for a few hours and then fall into a shallow sleep that would be more of a nuisance than restful. I would just wake up periodically and listen for her breathing. I would just be uncomfortable.

My phone taunted me from the bedside table. I reached for it and saw a lock screen full of text messages. I had two from Mum, one from Terrence, three from Julia, one from Niall, two from Louis, one from Eli, but none from Kate.

I thought about Kate and wondered if she was sleeping. I wondered if she had trouble getting to sleep without me. Maybe she didn't. Maybe she fell right back into her habits from before our relationship. She was more familiar with that life than this one anyway. Maybe she was still awake and talking to friends. Maybe she was secretly glad to have a bed to herself so she wouldn't have anyone to wake her up by cuddling too closely.

The text from Eli attracted my attention most because I already knew it pertained to Kate. I opened it and saw a short, professionally worded message:

Eli: Kate never called for a ride today. I have not heard from her at all. I will wait for you instructions before contacting her directly. Eli.

She never called for a ride? Was she still at my townhouse?

My head fell into my hands and I ran my fingers through my hair repeatedly. I felt so restless. I was prepared to board a flight and head back to London. Being away from her was making my heart beat faster and my blood feel thicker and my mind work slower.

In a huff, I stood up and pulled the shirt from my body. I launched it across the room angrily. I released my belt and stripped my tight jeans from my legs. I didn't even pause to wince at the clatter of the belt buckle against the floor. I pulled back the duvet and sheets and climbed into bed.

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