Chapter 33

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We had three days left until Harry departed for South America. Harry had spent the morning at a radio station doing one final promotion with the rest of the boys. It was the last time they would be together before leaving for tour.

While Harry was out, I had stayed in bed a little longer. I rolled over to his side of the bed and pulled the duvet up high. The bedding smelled of him. It was a scent all his own: a perfect mixture of his natural smell and the cologne he wore. It was soothing.

I felt the soft sheets beneath my fingertips and thought of my own bed at my own flat. How was I supposed to sleep in a bed without him in it? Selfishly, I wanted him in my bed one last time. I wanted to have traces of him left at my flat after he left. I wanted my bed sheets to smell this good.

Harry likely wouldn't object to spending the night at my flat. He hardly objected to anything I requested. I envisioned cuddling in my bed and watching a film with Harry. I reluctantly got out of bed. I got out of the clothes that still smelled of his bed and got in the shower.


I stood in the kitchen washing a few dishes when I felt a pair of hands creep around me. There was that smell; it was familiar, warm, and alluring. I melted backward against Harry's chest while carefully keeping my soapy hands over the sink. My mouth fell open as his lips met my neck. He left open-mouthed kisses from the edge of my shoulder up to the small space below my ear. His teeth nipped at the skin and his tongue darted out to soothe the spots.

"Did you miss me, angel?"

I nodded as his lips continued their tease.

"Answer me, Kate." He suspended his mouth from my skin momentarily.

"Yes," I whispered. "Yes, I missed you."

"Good. I missed you too." He rested his lips against me again.

Harry hadn't been this commanding before. His new forcefulness excited me and set me ablaze as he gently bit my earlobe. My breath hitched and I squeezed my eyes shut.

"So," he mused. Harry stepped around me and took a hand towel from a drawer. He took my left hand in his. He carefully dried one of my hands and then the other. "What shall we do with the rest of our day?"

"I was thinking we could stay at my flat," I mumbled.

"Oh yeah?"

"I thought we could watch a film and just relax." I couldn't possibly tell him I wanted him to stay in my bed because then maybe my sheets would have his scent, or that I wanted to be able to get used to staying in my own flat alone again.

"That sounds perfect, love."

I smiled up at him and reached forward to rest my hands against his chest. I could feel the contours of his muscles and he couldn't hold back a smile. He wasted no time grabbing my arms and pulling me up against him. He kissed me hard and then slowed his motions. He always kissed me passionately; I could always feel his emotion.

I was getting lost in him. My mind went fuzzy as his tongue swept over my bottom lip and I didn't even put up a fight. Just when my knees started feeling weak, Harry pushed me from him and held me at arm's length. He left me panting while he was smirking. He licked his lips, "We should get going."


Within two hours, I was exactly where I had longed to be. Trapped in a cozy tangle of a soft duvet and Harry's arms, I felt perfectly at home. I was in a happy haze as I rested against Harry's bare chest and his fingers twisted and untwisted in my hair gently. My attention was split between the film playing and the hypnotic beating of Harry's heart.

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