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"So how was Miami?"

I looked up at Rachel and half smiled. "It was fun..." I trailed off. I didn't really want to talk about Miami. I didn't want to even think about Miami. Rachel was in her walk-in closet while Nick sat on the bed. He looked pretty good but he looked bored to death. He was flickering through the channels murmuring something about how there was nothing good to watch.

Rachel sighed as she glanced at him. "He wants to get back to work already," She whispered as she hung a dress. "The doctor said he had to be in bed rest for at least two months. And I don't really want him to go back-not until we find who did this to him."

"I can hear you," Nick said from the bed.

Rachel rolled her eyes then walked out of the closet. I watched as she took out a black binder from her purse and handed it to Nick. "You can work from here."

Nick took it, a smile forming on his lips as he opened the binder. "Why haven't you given it to me?"

"Because I didn't want to see that stupid smile on your face."

Nick chuckled. "You're the best wife ever," He said reaching out and kissing her.

I smiled at them. They really were great together. There was suddenly a knock on the door though it opened and my mom walked in.

"There you are," She said looking at me. "I've been looking all over for you."

I frowned. "Why?"

She handed me a shopping bag. "This is for you to wear tonight."

"Where are we going?"

"I want to show Lisa Colton's club."


"Don't fight with me on this, Hannah. We're going," She interrupted me. She looked at Nick and her expression softened. "How are you doing?"

He waved the the binder in his hand. "Great."

My mom smiled. "Good," Then she looked at me again. "Be ready by eight," And then she walked out.

I looked at Rachel and Nick. "Did you guys know what she was planning to do?" Their silence was the answer. I shook my head. "I can't believe she's trying to set me up with George."

"I thought he was cute," Rachel said.

"Rachel, I am twenty-one years old. I am capable of choosing who I want to date," I said as I took out what was in the shopping bag. It was a beautiful strapless, red dress. "And my own clothes."

"She just wants what's best for you," Nick said as he looked through some papers.

I shook my head. "This isn't the way to do it."

Rachel walked to me. "So tell her."

I bit my lip. "Is it sad that I'm only doing this because of attention?"

Rachel sighed as she touched my hair. "I'm sure your mother loves you, Hannah. She's your mom."

I looked down. "If she does, she has a funny way of showing it."

"I can be your sub mom," She offered.

I laughed. "Can I tell you something?"

"Of course you can, I'm your mom," She said making me laugh.

I glanced at Nick who was too busy looking through whatever those papers were, and then leaned in to Rachel's ear. "I kind of slept with Nathan."

Rachel looked at me with wide eyes. "Seriously?"