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Three months later...

I checked the time on my phone.

12:23 pm

I frowned.

I had a class at one.

With a sigh, I shut the book in my hands and jumped out of bed. I began to pack everything in my backpack then grabbed my sweater and headed downstairs.

It had been about three months since the kidnapping and the scars around my wrists and ankles were still visible. They were faint scars but one look at them and everything came rushing back.

It had been all over the news.


Every time I turned on the TV or checked any type of social media-they were talking about me, the poor daughter of Richard Collins. Cameras began to flood my family again and they were barely beginning to leave us alone.

The problem was that it wasn't the kidnapping that hurt-it was Nathan.

I hadn't seen him since the last time I saw him in the hospital.

I tried but something always seemed to get in the way.

First, my dad wouldn't be off my back. He would watch me every second of the day.

When he wasn't there, Nick or Colton took over. It was great to have my brothers around for a change but not when I was trying to sneak out.

When I finally did snuck out, two weeks after, it was too late.

Nathan was already out of the hospital.

I was desperate.

I didn't have any way I could contact him-I tried going to his apartment but no one had answered. When I asked Robin about him, he said the only thing he knew was that a friend had helped him get out of the hospital which meant that he must have gone with Jared.

I knew it was my fault.

I knew I should have just told my parents the truth-but I couldn't.

Everything was finally looking up in my relationship with my mom, I was too scared to mess it up. She had been paying more attention to me. Asking how my dad was and being less hard on me. I didn't want to mess this up.

I hated myself for it.

I knew that if I couldn't put Nathan before my parents-then I didn't deserve him.

Nathan was an honorable man, after everything he did for me, he didn't deserve how I was acting.

I should have stood up for us and told my parents about us but I didn't.

And now it was too late.

Nathan was gone.

I didn't know if he was coming back.

I figured he wouldn't want to know anything about me after everything he went through because of me.

That was the problem-after everything he went through because of me, the least I could have done was stood by his side, in the hospital-told my parents about us.

But I was a coward.


I stopped in my tracks when I heard Rachel call me.

I walked a few steps back and realized she had called me from the kitchen.

"Come!" she whispered, waving me over.