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Nathan and I pulled apart but it was too late.

I looked at my brother Colton, who was wearing a black suit with a black button down shirt underneath. His black hair was pulled back and he was glaring at Nathan with his blue eyes

"Hannah-what?" he asked, confusion and anger clear in his face.

I took a step in front of Nathan at the same time he did, getting in between them. I placed my hands on Colton's chest. "Colton-don't," I said, trying to push him away but he was strong. "Colton," I repeated when he ignored me. "Stop."

His gaze lowered to me.

"Please-let's go inside," I tried to sound brave but it sounded like a beg. Colton and Nathan were two big men, I wouldn't be able to stop them if they started to fight. At least not without help and then I would have to explain to everyone why Nathan was fighting my brother. Colton had always been the most protective out of my brothers-and I knew Nathan wouldn't hold back if Colton started something.

In a way, they were very much alike.

When I tried to push Colton, he actually turned around and walked back into his office. I bit my lip as I closed the door behind us.

"It's not what it seems," I began slowly.

Colton chuckled humorlessly. "Oh really? Because it seems to me that you are screwing your bodyguard."

I frowned. "Okay...maybe it is what it seems."

Was it that obvious? It was just a kiss, I could have denied it. At the same time, I knew I couldn't fool Colton.

"Hannah, what the hell are you doing?"

I gulped as I watched him from across the room. "I like him."

"Do mom and dad know?" he asked.


He shook his head. "Well, I can tell you they're not going to be any happier than me."

"I'm an adult," I said suddenly feeling angry at him. "I can see whoever I want."

"He's your bodyguard."

I nodded. "Exactly. Thanks to him I'm alive. Aren't you the tiniest grateful to him for that?"

He sighed and I watched as his tense shoulders relaxed a little. His eyes softened when he looked at me. "Of course I am." He shook his head, a smile was playing on his lips. "Come here," He said opening his arms.

I smiled in relief and walked to his arms.

"I still don't like him," He said when he let me go.

"When have you ever liked a guy I've dated?"

He narrowed his eyes at me. "How serious is it?"

I bit my lip. "I don't know. We're just-barely figuring everything out. Please don't tell mom and dad."

He shook his head but he was smiling. "You let him know he will have to deal with me if he makes you cry."

I frowned, mostly because he had reminded me that all guys seemed to do was make me cry. "Please no threats."

He walked to the small bar he had in his office and poured some wine in a glass.

"Can I have some of that?"

"No," he said.

"I'm twenty-one," I reminded him.

"I don't care."