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Two bullets. Two seconds.

That was how long it took to end this torture. The sound of the gun being fired made my ears ring.

"Hannah!" I heard Nathan call.

I was scared to open my eyes but I knew I had to. When I opened them, I saw John on the ground, motionless. The other man was also on the ground a few feet away from us but he wasn't dead. Nathan had shot him on the knee so he couldn't move.

"Run, find a phone," Nathan ordered not taking his eyes off of him. He had the gun pointed to his head, ready.

I nodded as I stood up and ran to the back of the garage. I went through the mysterious door they always disappeared to and realized that it was an office. I looked through the desk with shaky hands until I finally found a phone. I dialed 911.

"My name is Hannah Collins," I said as soon as they answered. "I was kidnapped. I have no idea where I am but please send help."

"Okay, ma'am, please try to stay calm," the operator said on the phone. "Is there anyone else with you?"

I nodded. "Yes, my bodyguard. He's hurt. Please, you gotta send an ambulance quickly."

"Okay, I was able to get your location with the cell phone. "Are you in a safe place while officers get there?"

"I-one of the kidnappers is still alive. Please hurry," I said as I looked around the office. It was really messy with papers scattered everywhere, half-eating food, and trash on the floor. There was something on the desk that caught my eye. I reached for the delicate gold necklace that was by the laptop. It caught my eye because I had seen that necklace before. It had the same, small crystal hanging from it. It belonged to my mom. He must have stolen it. That meant he had been in our house. I put it in my pocket and then headed back to the garage.

Nathan was still pointing the gun to the man whom I still had yet find out his name. He was on the ground, clutching to his right knee but he was looking at us with amusement. As if he was part of some inside joke.

I looked at Nathan who didn't take his eyes off of him. "Help is on the way," I said breathless. I looked down at his abdomen and saw that he had bled through the cloth. "Oh, Nathan."

"I'm okay," he assured me but I knew he wasn't. He looked even more pale than before and he was sweating. I knew he would pass out any second and I hoped the police would arrive by then. I wanted to ask him why he didn't kill the man but it made sense. He wanted to know who he was. Probably wanted him to pay for this and for the massacre he had caused in Miami. At least those victims were getting justice.

I looked around the garage and noticed that there was a garage door. I stood up and looked for a button to open it so it would be easier for the police to find us. I finally found a remote and pressed on the button to open the garage door. It screeched as it pulled open.

I almost cried when the fresh air began to come into the garage. It was dark outside and I wondered how late it was. Was my family sleeping? Had they been notified that I was okay? Were they on their way here?

It wasn't long before I finally heard the cry of the ambulance and police cars. I walked back to Nathan. "They're here," I said as I touched his shoulder.

His arm was beginning to shake and I knew he was tired but he didn't move. He just nodded.

I looked at the man as the red and blue lights illuminated the garage. He grinned at me. "This nightmare is far from over, darling," he promised me as officers began to flood in.