Crack Whore Doll

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Ok so my brother being as amazing as he is, lets me dress him up like he's my personal doll >:3 I was doing my make up and playfully my brother said:

"Do my make up!" :D

"Ok." >:3


So I started to do his make up, I put on lipstick, eyeshadow, mascara, eyeliner, foundation, and blush. I accidentally over did the make up so he looked like a crack whore XD so I wanted to add to this style. I got two hair things and put his hair in pig tails. His hair is short so the pig tails stood up straight.

I went to my bedroom and got my girly pink flower skirt and persuaded him to put it over his pants, then I went downstairs and got a sucker and made him put it in his mouth. He looked ridiculous!!! XDXDXD

I also wanted him to put on my sister's blue zebra stripped tank top for old times sake but he said no. I laughed as I pushed him to the computer room to show my mom my work and she had the most horrified face ever and said:

"I am SO sorry.."

My mom says this whenever I dress up my brother :3 then ya know what he did? I turned to him and laughed at him then he took the sucker out of his mouth and stuck it down my cleavage! I yelled:


And took the sucker out. I chased him to his room and tried to get him to put the sucker back in his mouth as punishment but he said:

"Elisabeth no! Now I'm definitely not putting it in my mouth!"


In the end the sucker was tossed to the floor and I had to go wash the icky sticky sensation from my chest and some of my hair.

My Bro's Big Book of Awkwardness (See what I put up with?)Where stories live. Discover now