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Ok so my brother enjoys wearing boxers around the house and nothing else pretty much. I scold him whenever his boxers look too small cause that's just grody XP Anyway so far I've only seen 2 pairs of bigger sized boxers of his. Which are HILARIOUS! So I asked about them.

The first one was blue and said 100% STUD with hearts all over. He said his ex girlfirend's MOM gave it to him! XD I'm just like:

"Why would she give you those?"

"Cause she thought I was hot."


And that ends the first boxer situation. The next one was his blue boxers with different colored lava lamps all over. I was randomly laughing at this and asked:

"Where did you get those?"

"Oh these?"

(No Nii-San, your skin because you can obviously take it off and throw it in the washer to. Heeeere's your sign!)

"Yeah, those."

(insert my brother's evil playful grin here)

"I stole them from D. They were his lucky boxers and now they're mine!"

When we moved my brother's friend's clothes got mixed with our stuff. So he ended up getting his friend Devonte's boxers. I cracked up and called him nasty but he just kept grinning evilly.

My Bro's Big Book of Awkwardness (See what I put up with?)Where stories live. Discover now