Tank Top

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Ok so this story is for my 19 year old big brother Aleczander. HE'S CRAZY MAN! HE'S FUCKING CRAZY! lol Naaaaaahhh not really. But he is the most awkwardest child in the history of the planet! He created awkward! Also the book cover is a bunch of pics of my bro. He dyed his hair black but it turned back to brown.

The drawing his girlfriend Katie did of him and her and Katie is the one in the prom dress and a few other pics. I'm in the middle of the pic. So this has all the awkward moments my bro has had. Let's get started shall we? The first one is one of my favorites.

I like to call this one. The tank top of doom!

I was in mine, my mom's, and my sisters bedroom (long story) playing with our cat Draco when my brother came in the room. I was playing a bit quietly because my little sister Isabelle was sleeping. My bro was playing with me and Draco and we laughed about how he wore Belle's funny socks for mom's birthday.

Now sometimes my brother will let me dress him up for fun like he's a life sized doll. Alec is just THAT nice to let his 15 year old little sister do that to him. Alec wouldn't stop creeping me out by rubbing his hairy ass nipples so I yelled at him:


"But I don't have any clean."

"Well you can borrow one from me or Belle then."

"No there girly!"

"We have baggy plain T-shirts ya know. You accidentally wore one of mine anyways thinking it was your friends."

"...Oh yeah...Ok but no pink."


Most of my wardrobe was pink so I had to go look for something of Belle's. I looked around on the floor since most of our clean clothes were carelessly thrown there. I saw my sister's blue zebra striped tank top and smiled evilly.

"This isn't pink."

"Elisabeth no!"



"Yes put it on! Please please please!"

He sighed mixed with a groan and smiled saying:


My brother smiles and laughs sometimes at the things I make him do because it's so funny. He's probably thinking 'How do I always end up in these situations and why do I always give in?'

He put it on and I broke out laughing. I laughed harder when he made a funny face and rubbed his nipples. It was funny in a HIGHLY disturbing way. I woke up my little sister figuring she'd laugh to and Alec kept making the face and rubbing his nipples.

My sister flipped out and yelled at him for wearing one of her favorite shirts. I then convinced Alec we had to show mom and take a picture before he could take it off. He was like No! And I was like Yes! And he gave in ^_^ He laughed and smiled at his own embarrassment as he followed me into the computer room right next to our room.

I taped on my mom's shoulder and was all like mom! Mom! Mom! And she was like What?! As she took off her headphones and looked at me. Then I was like Look at Alec. My brother slowly walked in the room making a face and rubbing his nipples and my mom got a freaked out look and said.

"That is highly disturbing and why is my son wearing your shirt?"

"It's not mine, it's Belle's."

"Oh of course."

I laughed the entire time and begged my brother to show our grandparents to and take a picture but that's as far as he'd take the joke. He took off the shirt and never picked it up again. Unfortunately neither did my sister XD

My Bro's Big Book of Awkwardness (See what I put up with?)Where stories live. Discover now