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This one is just....I don't even know lol

Ok so I was in the computer room on my mom's computer, we have like 5 computers but mine broke...And I was on wattpad doin stuffz. That's when my brother came in and sat on the other computer chair next to me on his knees. He said:

"Elisabeth, insult me!"

And it was weird because he was smiling when he said it to me. So I'm all like:


"Insult me! Do it! Quick! Hurry!"


"Just hurry and do it!"

"Uh! Uh! Ummm!...Err.."

"And make it about sprinkles!"

"Uh um...err...uhh..."


I was under a lot of pressure and I didn't want to hurt his feelings but he apparently wanted me to. I didn't know how to insult a guy like him so I thought about what guys are protective of. Their dicks.


He fell out of the chair laughing hysterically on the ground and holding his sides.

"That's so meeeaaaan~"

"Oi! YOU MADE ME DO IT!" I yelled back at him but in the end I was laughing to.

Oh Alec, what am I to do with you?

My Bro's Big Book of Awkwardness (See what I put up with?)Where stories live. Discover now