Chapter 6

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Ruh's POV:
As soon as I came back from having a fit with Badr, A letter awaited me . It was from my husband, the emperor, I was ordered to be present for the welcome of the dowager queen, My mother-in-law arriving next morning.

"Ruh, are you okay?" Ila asked with concern.

"I'm tired and homesick Ila, I want to visit home, I miss Mother. I feel so alone here! I have nobody here!" I whined.

"How come you have nobody? You have me?" Ila reassured. "And what was the message about?" 

To which I replied." I'm supposed to be present for welcoming my mother-in-law. Send a message saying, I can't, I'm sick."

Ila raised her eyebrow in response.

"Just do it!" I sighed.

"As you wish." Ila said dipping a quill in ink and writing an apology and the reason for not coming to the welcoming ceremony.

She called in a maid and gave the letter to deliver it to the Emperor.

I dismissed Ila, and Ila went away. I looked outside the window which had a lattice pattern. I really really missed the dessert. My home palace was full of life all times of the day.

At dawn, my family would wake up and assemble down where we had prayer rituals and sat down and talked to each other. Then we would have a have breakfast together.

After breakfast, I would either practice sword fighting or practice with my bow and arrow. And sometimes, I'd play a game of chess or snakes and ladders with the maids or my brother.

Sometimes, my mother would invite the cloth trader and me and my sisters would choose from the variety of clothes and laces. Sometimes it would be the gold smith and sometimes the bangles seller.

I looked down at my wrist. Glass was poking out of my wrist. Before I attempted to remove it, I heard,
"Behold! The Emperor of The Great Empire , Beholder of the Peacock Throne, arrives!" The guard announced. I quickly pulled my veil  to my head and pulled it down to cover my face.

"Greetings Emperor." I joined my hands to greet my husband. He muttered a greeting back which I ignored.
I wished I could pull down my veil and see how he looked like. All I could make out from my veil was he was tall and nothing else.


Jellal's POV: 

I looked at her veiled figure. If only I could lift the veil and see her. I knew what she looked like already. But she didn't. She thought of I and Badr as two different entities but they were both me.

"The reason for not attending the welcoming ceremony, Leela?" I asked her.

She hissed under her breath. "I'm ill. And my name is not Leela!" She snapped.

I smirked. There was my Ila, the feisty little girl. I completely ignored her correction and looked at her wrist, dry blood was caked up on her wrist, she hadn't treated it yet.

"Guard!" I yelled. A eunuch came in,

"Get the doctor. Now!" I ordered.

The eunuch guard went away.
"How did you get hurt?" I asked  her even if I knew the answer. She fidgeted, "I fell down." She responded.

"You fell?" I asked her not believing it. Why was she lying? "Don't lie to me, Leela! I know everything that happens in this palace. Including the havoc that happened here in the morning." 

"Then why bother asking?" She snubbed. The hakim, a scrawny old man walked in. I pointed to her wrist. She sat down on her bed and lent her arm forward.

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