Chapter 30

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      "We don't think that is right. The opposite of that should be done. It was the girl's fault. Your highness should punish her." The old kazi spoke without even think he was defying the emperor.

    Jellal has had enough of it. He clutched his tunic in anger. Normally, he was a very patient person. He had been honest with  court for half a year. But not anymore.

"Bring in the girl! Barefaced as she was  as she had tempted the Lord." The kazi ordered. Jellal lost it then.

   "No." He said confidently. "The girl is not to be brought. Because that is not what We wish for."

"Pardon, your highness. But the girl lewdly tempted Lord Ghiri without her head and face covered with a veil." He said and the others agreeing to it.

   "If a face is all it takes for a man to get tempted, then I suggest men must really train their weak minds!" Farookh argued. The Persian scholar had returned to court a day before.

"Farookh saheb, when just a face is enough to fall in love at first sight then isn't love similar to lust?" The old man counter argued.

"Absolutely not. Please, do not say love and lust is similar to vehemently suggest that what the man did was right. Love is a superior emotion to lust, The point here is not of temptation, it is of consent. Which was absent from the girl's side." He said passionately placing his arguments.

"And if a face is all that women require for seduction, I think the whores would all wear nuns garb baring their faces."

The court gasped but some held amused smiles on their faces. He had won them all and he had won the argument.

  When the kazi saw he had failed the argument, he turned to the emperor. "Shehnshah, Lord Ghiri is an important member of the court. Do consider it before the final decision." He warned to choose his side.

"A man who disrespects women is someone We consider even beneath the soles of Our shoes. Our decision is to behead him and half of his land, treasures, returned to The Empire, the other half handed over to his wives and children." The emperor announced his decision.

"But your highness! This is most inappropriate. I advise you to take the decision back!" The old man argued.

"No, what is most inappropriate is you interrupting The Emperor. Kazi saheb, do mind your actions. You're standing in the court of Diwan - i- aam. No other decision is supreme to The Emperor's Decision. And anyone who tries to surpass it will be hanged for treason and breaking the status pyramid. Don't you know?" Salim spoke up.

   The court was silent. The kazi bowed and stepped back. Jellal saw this and a tinge of jealousy ran through him. Though not on the throne, Salim had the utmost command on the court. The court was soon dismissed and Jellal walked out of the court room.


     He found his steps unconsciously walking towards her chambers. Funny, how he always found himself walking towards the pond, if troubled, until now. He was still annoyed at her but it was just a hint of annoyance. He needed her the most. He entered her chambers to find that she was sitting in front of her Krishna idol - her hands joint, her eyes closed, a serene expression on her face.

  He walked in quietly and leaned on the bed, waiting patiently. Her scent engulfed him, jasmine with a hint of roses. He felt light already. As if all his tensions were withering away. Soon her bangles clinked and her soft murmuring had stopped.

"I heard it was a rough day at court." She sat beside him.

"Yes, it was." He said and placed his head on her lap. She was looking down, smiling at him.Does this woman had a bad side at all? He thought.

"I want to be just and I don't want to provoke them too. I'm jealous of Salim, he handled the court better than me. Him just being alive threatens my reign. What if all the revolutionaries get him and then attack me for the throne?" He rambled.

Her hands combed through his hair shooting in an eerie spark of comfort through him. "I think, if he wanted to, he would've done it already. He could've done it when he was incognito. I think, your highness, is too considerate. Betrayal should be nipped at the bud. It is not too late to put out a strong front. You are a good ruler but too kind hearted. People do not fear you. And fear is a very powerful weapon."

Her fingers were coaxing him to feel sleepy. He hadn't slept the past two nights. He found himself worried and weary and now not so much.

"I didn't mean what I said the other day. I'd gladly wait for you. You know that, don't you? Your highness?" She asked him softly.

He stirred a little from his sleep. "I know..." He murmured taking her other hand and placing a kiss on her knuckles.

His breathing had become even and his chest rose and fell in a deep manner. She still brushed his hair. Smiling she leaned down and placed a kiss on his hair, "I love you." She whispered in his ear.

"I love you too..." He murmured unaware. And she brushed it off as incoherent murmur not understanding what he had said.


   "Ada, my love, my life. What are you doing here?" He grinned at her foolishly.

"W-what are you doing here? Stop shouting! What if someone hears you, stupid fool!" She cursed at him.

He threw back his head in laughter. He loved seeing her annoyed. She was feisty and he loved it too much. She was scowling at him.

"I say, let them."

"It is so early in the morning. Don't you have someone else to bother?" She sighed.

"Nope, you're The One for me." He winked. She bit the insides of her cheek to stop blushing.

"Can you stop being so annoying? I have better things to do!" She tried to walk away from him. He held her arm and pulled her back so she slammed into his chest.

  Her eyes widened. She did not like it when she was close him. She didn't trust her heart when he was close. It took every minuscule strength to not caress his chiseled cheek. She did not like these feelings at all. Once she had them for her brother and it ended up ruining ten years of her life. Not again.

"How dare you touch me?" She snapped her hand from his hold and with a final glare walked back to her chambers. He looked hurt but it was temporary. He was Salim. Women flocked to him like bees to honey. He'd soon forget her.


    A/N: Vote and comment. Okay so Salim n Ada's story holds much depth than I thought. So should I write like a short story on them? Or just continue it here? I mean...I really think their story will make you lose focus from the main couple... Ah i dunno? What do u guys think?

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