Chapter 10

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A/N: Check out that pic!!!! This story has been on the hot page in the historical fiction section. Happiest day of my life guys!!! Thanks to all of you!!!!

so many of you have so many question regarding this story. I know it's difficult to ship Jellal and Ruh, because let's be honest, Jellal is not feeling it too. We all know how god damn difficult it is to forget first love and Jellal is going through that stage. And as for 'What of Nadiya?' question or any other question, I promise it will be resolved from now on. Okay? Trust the writer. That's all. Enjoy! Sorry for the long ass author's note!!


Ruh's POV:

The lamp light flickered, casting a glow in the dark room. I poured ghee into the diya and cupped my hands around it. The whole palace was like this. Dark and sombre. Also eerily silent, fear lodged into our hearts anticipating an attack.

Who was responsible for this? Why would someone try to murder him? And before him, his brother? But why and who? Someone really really wanted the throne for himself? And if the assassin was waiting in his chambers then what were the guards doing? Let's say he entered through the window, it still didn't make sense.

And poisoning? If he wanted to poison why not do it with a needle or an arrow, why a dagger?

I closed my eyes and joined my hands. I prayed to Krishna, desperately begging him to spare his life. "If he passes through this great turmoil, then I'll circle the banyan tree a thousand times."

"Begum Sahiba."
I turned around to look at a gruff man, he was was tall and well built and had a scar running through his eyebrow to his cheek. His eyes were hard and cold. Who was this man?


"I'm General Chief of the Army. I've come to inquire you. You said previously that someone plunged a dagger on his majesty's back and jumped out the window?"

"Yes, that is what happened."

"But how could a man jump out from a window two stories high and survive?"

I frowned. I didn't like his tone.

"What are you implying, General?"

"I did not imply anything, your highness, I just asked."

"Well, it did insinuate that maybe I was lying?"

"We have no proof to base your truth too. Just a few days back wasn't there a rumour regarding you and a stranger inside your chambers?

I gasped. He was insinuating that I had killed him. I glared at him as hard as I could. Why did everyone in this palace think I was a murderer?

"Yes, only he wasn't a stranger. He was your majesty himself. If this is over, I would like to go."

Saying that I left my chambers.


"Where were you so long?" He asked once I entered.

I placed the tray of food beside him. "I went to bring you food, now you have to finish all of it." I smiled at him. I was hoping he didn't see through my smile.

His face scrunched up as he saw the food. I went to feed him but he stopped me. Taking the spoon, he picked up a dollop and swallowed it. His face scrunched up again.

"Did you eat?" He asked.

I had totally forgot to eat all day. Just I was so busy handling everything I had forgotten about meals.

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