Chapter 41

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        Jellal shut his eyes hoping that all these past days would vanish

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        Jellal shut his eyes hoping that all these past days would vanish. He wished it would be a dream. He wish if he opened his eyes, he'd be in bed, with her beside her, happy and healthy. He opened his eyes to find a very guilt stricken Salim and a black and blue Farookh. He opened his mouth to scream, to shout, to empty all his frustrations but he didn't know how. He could not find the words.

      "Jellal... it was-" Salim started.

      "It was what she wanted! I know. Just... don't talk." He cut Salim off. His lungs hurt and every breath he took seemed to just hurt it more. He bowed down in exhaustion his hands to his knees. His mind seemed to crumble around the fact that she wanted this. If she did, he believed, she had a very good reason for it. He pulled himself together. The significant thing was, she was missing. He sighed taking in the cold air. "I am going to ask the people in the neighbourhood if they know. No need for you both to come." He snapped as Salim put his foot forward to follow him.

     His guards followed him as he walked down the grassy slope. His leather boots crunched the soil, the only sound was the water flowing from the nearby stream. He had heard from somewhere that negative thoughts only fuel negative circumstances. He tried to think positive thoughts. He tried to think the various reactions he could give if she was back safe inside the palace. He thought he'd be angry at her. He would yell, cause a ruckus! That's what he decided. He would burst at her in anger and fury.

       They reached an occupied cottage three houses down the slope. He walked to the door and knocked on the wooden door twice. An old woman opened the door. She squinted her eyes to look at him.

     "Who?" Her voice quivered due to old age.

      "Nana, do you know the young woman who lived on the top, near the stream?" He yelled purposely so she could hear.

      Jellal let out all hope since she didn't answer. Her back was bent and she was shaking due to old age. "Woman??? There???" He tried again. He almost turned around but she held his hand.

     "Oya! Ruhiya??" She asked.

"Yes! Ruh! You know her?" He didn't even know, he had it in him to get excited again. But he did because now he had hope.


       Under the comfort of the fur blanket inside a  warm house, it seemed like he was in an entirely another realm. He sulked. Gripping the earthen tumblr he watched the steam swirl, as if it could answer all his questions. It did not.

      "She talked about you a lot. She didn't want to do this, she wanted you to be safe." The old woman tried to console him but it just made him feel worse. Hadn't he advised her, to let him be if he was in danger? He did not understand her. He did not at all. The answers he got were vague and just seemed to erupt more questions. He felt his head might burst if he thought about her anymore.

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