Chapter 22

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Jellal?" Nadiya called him to grab his attention. But his attention was already focused on the pattern on his ceiling. The colours, the patterns seemed to form letters.

"R-u-h..." He spelled out loud.

"Jellal!" She fumed.

"What is it?" He asked her lazily.

"I'm thinking about maybe I should sleep here tonight?"

His head snapped to hers. Her face held a seductive smile.

"Nadiya... I have to sleep in her chambers tonight too..."

In a second her smile dropped and signs of anger were visible on her face.
"Why?" She snapped.

"Because her parents are here and they think we are doing fine as a couple." He said calmly.

"That calculative wh*re..." She muttered under her breath.

"What did you say? Calculative what?" He snapped. His patience had worn off. He was starting to get angry at her too.

"She is not calculating. Nor is she a wh*re! Don't you dare address My Chief Wife and The Empress of Hindustan like that!"

She scoffed in reply. "Ofcourse! That is so true! She is your chief wife not a wh*re, that is what I am, isn't it?"

He groaned and pressed his thumbs to his temples, "That is not what I meant!"
But she just left without saying anything. Just when it seemed like the day was perfect. He thought.


"Ruh-lekha! You witch!"

Ruh winced as she heard the abuses. The sun was just setting casting an orange hue all over the room. Beside her bed rested the rose in a vase.
Nadiya pushed her doors open and barged in. She seemed cross. "What is wrong, Nadiya baisa?" She asked testing the waters.

"Don't fake innocence, Ruh begum!"

"I am clueless as to what you're talking about..." Ruh assured her.

"What kind of spell did you even cast on him? I must agree, Ruh begum, all it took you was just one night to wrap him around your little finger." She mocked.

Ruh knotted her fists. Her words made her angry. It made her seem like she was being cheap when she was not.

"Nadiya... I need you to calm down. Please, let us talk." She said pushing of the covers and walking to her.

"No. I sacrificed too much for this. Too much. You have no right to come and take him away now."  Her eyes seemed maddening.

Ruh feared her now.

"Actually, it is you who has no right whatsoever. Ruh begum is married to Jellal lawfully. She has every right over him. More rights than you, specifically."
Ada begum entered the chambers.

Ruh bowed her neck in respect. She was carrying a tiny book in her hand. She quickly placed it on her dressing table and joined the argument.

"You! Ada, if not for you, I would've been in your place, would've had every right over him too. You ruined it!" Her eyes were bursting with tears. Ruh felt a pang of guilt.

"And what do I hear? You became so desperate that you sleep around even with the servants!" An evil smile on her face, she knew it hit the mark.

"What did you say?" Ada raged and caught her by the hair.

Ruh gasped. "Ada begum! What are you doing? Let her go..." Ruh tried to break them up.

A huge crowd had formed outside the door of the chambers. All of them gossiping and watching the fight. Ada let go of her hair but gave her a deadly glare.

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