Chapter 35

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I didn't update coz I was depressed over a guy. Then I was like fuck this shit, he doesn't care so I'm moving on now. Okay enough ranting.


            Ruh couldn't take it anymore. Her peaceful sleep was breaking. Her brain alerted her to wake up. She woke up groggily and suddenly, as screams reached her ears. It sounded like chaos. She sat up in fear her sleep out of the window. The tent seemed too dark for her to see. Cold sweat rolled down her neck. She got up from the bed and stumbled across the room.

   "Jellal!" She said loud enough for her voice to echo around the tent. She jumped when she felt an arm around her elbow. "Shh! Shh! It's me, we have to get out of here." His voice brought her relief. She strained her eyes to see where he lead her. Then she heard a cloth rip. He lead her outside.

Her feet felt the soft grass that's how she knew it was outside. Once outside she coughed from the thick foggy smoke. Soot irritated her throat and her eyes burned. She couldn't control her coughing bout.

"Shh!!" She could see his blurry face through her tears. "Ruh?" He let her go. She heard ripping again. He gently tied a cloth over her nose and mouth. Wiping away her tears with the pads of his thumbs he asked her if she was okay. She nodded in affirmation. He tied the other piece around his face and grabbed her arm once again.

     Around a clearing there were a couple of horses and The Chief Advisor. She thought hard and then remembered his name. Omar. That was who he was. She watched as her husband talked quickly with him. Her mind was too dazed to catch up. What happened? Were they attacked? She questioned herself.

  "I cannot do that your majesty! I cannot leave you here alone!" Omar prodded.

  "I  am not alone! There are soldiers at camp! The queen is alone. I want you to escort her to Agra safely!" Sensing Omar would come up with another argument he quickly shut him down, "And that is an order from your Emperor!" He then turned to her. She had lowered her impromptu mask.

  "I will not go, shehnshah! I can fight. I will stay here and fight with you." She protested. "But I can't! I can't fight here  being concerned about your safety!" He shook her shoulders. She shook her head stubbornly.

  "You promised, Ruh. You promised that if I am in danger, you'd think about your safety first and run away. You promised me, that day on the boat."

   Ruh cursed herself for promising that in the haze of love. His eyes looked pleading, they were begging her. "I love you, Ruh. If anything happens to you, I will curse myself for eternity." He begged. She reluctantly agreed. He placed a haste kiss on her forehead. Ruh panicked, that was not enough, she pulled him and kissed him one last time on the lips. He responded with matched passion. They separated when they heard a throat clear.

    "Go! Wait for me." He gave her a smile and caressed her face. She took Omar's hand and jumped atop the horse. The horse broke into a gallop as soon as Omar pulled its reins. "What happened?" She asked him.

  "Pathetic bastards attacked the village and your camp. Maybe someone tipped them that His Highness was staying in your tent for the night. Lowlives!" He said as his anger came off in waves.

   She was thrust forward in impact as the horse neighed loudly throwing them off balance. She whimpered in pain as she hit her back on a sharp rock. "Your highness! Are you alright?" Omar helped her up. They saw a black rope line tied to the trees which had caused the horse to stumble.

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