Chapter 10

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Naruto looked towards Temari who just smirked at him and shrugged and jerked her head toward the screen. A video started playing.
---- okay the rest of this chapter would be dedicated to pretending to be the vid---- italic and underline is audience reactions
Someone held the camera as they looked at it to try figure out if it was working. "Okay so happy birthday Naruto-sama! Please enjoy the vid that we have made!" Hakura said.
"Naruto-sama is very very tired and he just staggered towards that couch there and collapsed onto it. Now he is sound asleep and we have here Temari-sama!" A random employee whispered excitedly as she turned the camera to show a sleeping Naruto and then to a grinning Temari who waved happily. "We're going to prank him! Let's go!" The two woman made their way towards the room Naruto was in, Temari walked to Naruto as the employee hid so she can get a good angle but still hidden.
Temari jumped onto Naruto, making him jerk awake. Naruto sighed and patted Temari on the head before mumbling a hello and going back to sleep. Temari pouted at the camera from Naruto lack of response. "Hey Naruto?"
"Hmmm?" Naruto hummed, half awake.
"Can you promise not to be angry?"
"I- I, uh, I'm pregnant." Temari blurted out.
"That's good." Naruto mumbled as he started processing what she said.
"Aren't you angry?" Temari asked suspiciously. "Are you even awake?"
"Yes I am awake Temari." Naruto said as his eyes opened to show it held a tinge of red in his usual icy blue eyes. It was a sign that he was getting angry. "Then why aren't you responding like how normal people do? Why aren't you pushing me off?"
"Because Temari, you are not the type to cheat."
"How are you so sure?"
"If you liked to jump from boys to boys should you have dumped me months ago already and I am your first boyfriend which means you treat your relationships serious enough to choose carefully." Naruto said and Temari smirked while shaking her head at how smart her boyfriend is.
Temari and Naruto smiled at each other before a few who had turned to look at the couple saw them peck each other on the lips.
"What if I really am pregnant?"
"And I am hundred percent sure it is not our child that you're pregnant with Temari." Naruto said as he rubbed his face trying to clear away his fatigue.
"And you're not going to do anything about it?"
"I want to castrate that bastard but i will not if you are happy with him." Naruto said calmly despite his eye colour telling a different story.
Everyone had been shocked beyond words. How can the boy be so supportive someone who cheated on him to be with someone else?
"But even if I don't do it, I'm sure there are a few people who are more than willing to castrate him without me asking."
"Name a few."
"Your brother Gaara. Kurama, and his underlings." Temari nodded in understanding before she suddenly grinned wider. "You've been pranked!" Temari screamed into Naruto's face before scrambling off and she ran off screaming with joy at how good her boyfriend is. Naruto sighed and rolled his eyes before he got up to get to work.

"Hey guys! Temari here! So me and Naruto-"
"Naruto and I, Hime." Naruto corrected and Temari smacked him on the arm playfully. Naruto was driving while Temari filmed their trip for her youtube subscribers.
"So Naruto and I," Temari stressed, "are going to Disneyland! Tell them what you're wearing."
"I am wearing army uniform, combat boots and all - you know the usual. Do I have to tell them my sunglasses brand?... It's a pair of polarised Oakley that Temari bought for me for Valentine's Day."
"Explain why you're wearing army uniform dear."
"Because I was in Wales for this tour of the place and their schedule and stuff. I had a two weeks crash coarse of training. It was like the their selection phase. To weed out weaklings. I actually passed and they gave me a badge as memory. You have to have experience in other regiments before joining the SAS. So kids, if you want to join the army, just join don't let anyone stop you."
Temari laughed and went to kiss her boyfriend. "Dammit Hime, I'm driving."

"Okay! Live Q and A time!" Temari said and she looked at her phone to look for questions from her subscribers before the door opened to reveal Naruto with a packet of original TimTams. "Do you want Timta- oops. I'm sorry?" Naruto tried to leave but Temari lunged across the room and dragged him in. Naruto was pulled to sit in between her legs while she played with his hair. "Before anyone of you question this awkward position and comment saying it should be the other way round: Temari, here, likes to play with my hair and braid them so I would end up with twenty plus tiny braids at the end of the video." Naruto explained as he scrolled through Temari's phone while eating TimTams before he found the first question. "Did you and that hot blond boy have sex before? If so is he good in bed... Um, Ms (YouTube user) we have not done it as I am still an underage child?" Naruto answered.
Naruto's answer had made the whole room, who has now settled comfortably, laugh.
"Okay. Next. Do you like TimTams? Well, no sh*t. It's awesome."
"You only like that one flavour of TimTams and when has this Q n A become yours?"
"Since the moment you drag me in. Next. What is the weirdest thing you've ever done?"
"Hmmm. That's gotta be when I was so stupid I decided to run down a very steep slope and I tripped so I rolled all the way down."
"... Ouch... Mine is somewhat a confession okay?"
"What did you do? Walk around my house naked?"
"If you count walking without a shirt on, naked then yes I have walked around your house naked but that's not it. I kinda ordered your gardeners to do the garden outside the house so I can do the back yard garden?"
"They wouldn't let me even water the freaking plant!"
"... Oh right, I forgot you liked doing those things. When was it though?"
"That day up during the Uchiha function, you came back home extremely pissed because the 'stuck up' uchiha wouldn't leave you alone even though you have a boyfriend."
"Stuck up Uchiha? Which one?"
"He is in our school, Sasuke Uchiha. The one you called duck butt."
Itachi and his squad full on laughed out along with the employees.
"I mean no offensive, I apologise Fugaku-sama and Mikoto-sama if you're watching this but your boy is hella arrogant. I don't mind his hair style just so you know. I just hate his attitude towards people! How dare he think everyone else is lower than he is! How dare he bully my Naruto-kun!"
"Shh, it's okay Temari. So as I was saying, they wouldn't let me do anything that required much movement, any movement after walking is a 'it's okay. I'll do that for you!' So yeah. I kicked them out and hogged the entire garden."
"You cut the bushes into shapes! You credited the gardeners for it when you deserved full credit!"

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