Goodbye Big Apple

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I caught a cab back to the hotel. My face still tingles. I've never been slapped in my life. My knuckle also hurts because it wasn't bandaged when I punched him.

Without telling Zach I called Callie and told her I was coming back early. I don't give a shit if he worries. I paid for a plane ticket and barely made my flight.

I sat the whole plane ride thinking about how pissed and infuriated I am.


Zach's POV

"Shut up!? You need to fucking shut up you mother fu—"

I don't what persuaded me at that moment in time but I slapped her across the face. A soon as I did Dylan was on top of me. Then I saw Lexi rip him off and watched her fist hit my nose, hard.

I immediately felt pain and knew that I was bleeding. Dylan got back on top of me and I had a small view of Lexi leaving like nothing happened.

I ripped him off of me and headed straight for the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and blood was all over my face. I stopped the bleeding then washed my face.

By then I knew Lexi was long gone. I walked back to the hotel. Once inside I knocked on Lexi's door and no one answered. I pulled out my key card and opened the door. There wasn't a trace of her left.

Dammit. Where the hell did she go!?

Where would she go? Did she find Dylan? She might of gone back to Callie's but I doubt she could get a flight that quickly.

I called her phone and she didn't answer. I kept calling and leaving voice mails.

Is she at a fight I don't know about?

I called Callie.

"Hello" she answered

"Aunt Callie do you know where Lexi is?" I asked desperately

"She just called saying she was coming back early. Is everything alright?"

"Everything's fine. I'll be back soon" I said and hung up

I packed and went to the airport. A flight just left and I have to wait till morning to catch another.

I stayed at a different hotel for the night and in the morning I went home. All I could think about was how sorry I am.

I got home and went straight to Lexi's room. Not a trace of her again. I ran down stairs and asked Aunt Callie but she said Lexi told her not to tell me.

It bugs the hell out of me that I don't have a clue where she is. I punched the wall making a dent. Pain shot up my arm. I wonder if this is how she felt. I don't know when she'll even be back.

Goddamn. I just want to apologize. I continued to text, call, and leave voice mails. I'm scared. I don't even know where she is. I don't even know if Aunt Callie knows. She drives me crazy sometimes. I'm worried. And I don't know if she's even alive. I'm not sure.


Lexi's POV

I got back and barged through the door. I went straight up stairs and threw everything important into a suitcase. I dragged it downstairs and explained to Callie. I put my suitcase into the truck and drove off.

I drove to Ella's house. I'm not sure if she will let me stay or not. I knocked on the door and she answered. I think she was surprised to see me.

"Oh hey Lexi. Whatcha need?" She asked

"I need a place to stay please" I begged

Worry filled her eyes and she nodded. She went to my car and helped me get out my suitcase even though I didn't need it. She led me through her house to a spare bedroom.

"Thank you so much" I hugged her

"No problem, we are friends now. It's cool" she said

"You sure your parents are ok with it" I asked

"Yeah of course. My folks wouldn't even notice" she said

"Thanks again" I said

"Like I said no problem" she smiled

We watched tv and painted our nails. I've never had a friend to do these things together. We exchanged numbers.

As I was painting my pinkie a dark red I asked, "so where is Jayden?"

"Oh um...she', with her family" she said a little to quickly

"Um, ok" I laughed it off

Something's wrong.

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