Chapter Two

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Sam laid back on the bed and smiled. She was going to like California. Not only was she far away from home, and able to start any new life that she chose; but she was living in an incredible house with some incredibly nice people, half of whom were hot guys. Life was good.

Sam was surprised her parents hadn't protested her living there, especially since there were guys in the house. If Jake wasn't her other roommate, she knew it would have been a whole 'nother story. He was always protective of her and their parents knew it.

Sam shook her head as she remembered Jake telling Trey to behave around her. It'd be fun to flirt with Trey. It was too bad he was already taken by Raven.


That night, after dinner, they gathered in the family room. Emily had announced, after they had eaten, that they all wanted to talk to Sam about something important. She suddenly got nervous as it felt more like an intervention than an after dinner gathering. But Sam didn't drink or do drugs, so that couldn't be the problem they had with her.

Sam looked worriedly around the room as people took their seats. Had she done something to offend them? Were they kicking her out? "What's going on?"

Emily cleared her throat. "Sam, when we came to your house for Thanksgiving you had a lot of questions about us. Me and Jake, specifically, do you remember?"

"Sure." Sam looked at her brother curiously.

"You've known for years that I'm different than most people," Jake said quietly.

"That's an understatement." Sam gave him a cheeky grin.

"Exactly. Sam, everyone in this room has something different about them. And they want to tell you their secrets, if you're willing to hear them out, and have an open mind."

Sam inwardly sighed in relief. It wasn't about her. She hadn't done anything wrong. Sam smiled at her brother. "I know you have some sort of special power or something, Jake; same with Emily and George. I'm not afraid of the truth. I've never told Mom and Dad all I've seen and heard you do. I never would tell them or anyone else." She looked around the room at the group gathered there. Hopefully, her friends as well.

"I guess start with me then," Jake took a deep breath. He came over and sat on the coffee table in front of her. "Sam, you know already that I have dreams that come true." He took her hand. She nodded. "Some can be pretty downright scary." His voice was low and thoughtful.

"Yeah. I know. It's okay," she told her brother, squeezing his hand. "I believe you. I'm okay with who you are, Jake. I always have been."

"Thanks. I'm still learning stuff. I should be able to see things when I'm not sleeping. I'm already starting to. We're not sure what else I may be able to do in time."

"Whatever it is, we'll deal with it. Together." Sam squeezed his hand reassuringly.

"Sam already guessed about my being Aurora and I explained to her how I was able to do it," Emily told the group and then turned to Sam, "Do you have any questions about that?" Emily asked her tentatively.

"No. Astral projection," Sam shrugged like it was nothing, when she was truly amazed and awestruck at Emily's abilities. "I did a little reading on it."

Emily smiled. "Astral projection is one thing I am able to do. I am also what they call a Guardian. I protect all that is good. My powers are strong and I can do many things: I can read minds, and I can speak as if I'm in your head, I can see into the future, I can heal. Every day my powers grow stronger and I find that I can do many more things and at a greater possibility. It is vital that if you need help with something that you seek my assistance immediately."

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