Chapter Thirteen

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"How are you feeling?" Brian asked him in his mind later that night.

Trey looked up at the ceiling.

"I hate when you do that," he sent Brian back the thought telekinetically.

"Same goes."

Trey sighed. "I'm okay. Back to my old self I think."

"Thanks for what you did. Saving her."

Trey shrugged. "Would have done the same for anyone."

"I know. You're a good kid, Trey."

Trey laughed. "I'm a lot older than you. Hardly a kid. And certainly not good."

"But you are. You're trying to help my family and I appreciate it."

"My family caused all this.'s my family too."

"It's time to find Sarah."

"I don't think so."


"No! No one else should be involved."

"We agreed."

"You'd let him hurt another one?" Trey demanded getting up.

"You think I want to put her in danger?"

"There's got to be another way."

"There's no other way. They need to be together. They're stronger together."

"I don't know why you all won't let me handle this myself. He's my uncle."

"You're not strong enough alone, Trey. Even with me and Emily. He's too strong. The only way..."

"I know!" Trey said holding his hand up. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration. "Is she ready?"

"No. But Emily will make her be."

"How are you going to explain this to her? To any of them?"

"I don't know. It's going to hurt me just as much as them."

"Doubt that."

"Let's not have this conversation again. Find her. Bring her home."

"Sure. Why not? Like I don't have enough women to worry about," Trey said walking out the bedroom door and slammed it behind him.

He watched her from a distance. Her long blonde hair bounced behind her as she walked down the street oblivious to the fact that her life was in mortal danger.

He would have known her anywhere. Her pixie face, her small nose, her sensual lips. He had known they were twins but didn't realize that they looked exactly the same. Sweet like her sister, she stopped to pet a small dog that was tied to a bicycle rack. A smile formed her lips as she petted the creature. Trey crossed his arms and leaned against the building wall to watch her. Maybe his premonition hadn't been of Sam. Maybe it was of Sarah. He had thought her hair was longer than Sam's and it was...

She looked up as if she felt him watching. He stayed still against the shadow on the building knowing it was his friend as he blended his body into its darkness. She continued to look around as she got up. She tucked a length of hair behind her ear and moved forward to walk down the sidewalk.

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