Chapter Twenty-Two

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"No, you'll be defenseless!" Brian protested as he paced the kitchen floor.

"The four of you together are strong enough to send me back and keep my current mind in my six year old body. We can do it," Trey insisted.

"You were just a boy. You're powers were just developing. They weren't even out yet. You can't possibly defend yourself."

"What would I be defending myself from? My mom wouldn't have died yet. There would be no thought of the plague. I'm just going to talk to them."

"You think that they'll listen to a six year old?!"

"You don't know my mother."

"Okay, say that she does listen to you. But what about Tony, he's as stubborn as a mule..."

"Hey!" Tony said coming in. "What's going on? Brian, tell me the truth. I know my son won't," he said brushing past Trey.

"He wants me to send him back."

"Back? You're not going back to him! I told you!" Tony said turning around.

"Not back to him. Back. Back to the past. So I can talk to Max before all the things he got upset about and stewed over got under his skin enough to want revenge."

Tony looked at him and then back to Brian. "No. Send me."

"That makes more sense." Brian said looking at Trey.

"No," Trey said firmly shaking his head.

"You were six, Trey!" Brian said.

"Six? You want to go back? To the night your mother died?"

"No, to when Massi told us about the plague. I want to tell you to take us away."

Tony rubbed his face. "Is that what this is about? Still? Massi still wants revenge? He's still alive?"

"No, he's dead," Trey said.

"It's a good plan," a voice said.

Brian and Trey turned and looked at the image appeared.

"It would save her. Save you," Massi said his ghostly figure moving towards them looking at Trey.

"What?" Tony asked. "What are you looking at?"

Sam walked in. "Hi, you must be Brian," Sam said with a smile holding out her hand to him. He shook it dumbfound. "Who's that?" she asked gesturing to the figure that Brian and Trey were staring at.

"Who?" Tony asked.

"Oh," Sam said looking the ghost over

"Massimiliano," he said with a bow.

"Massi?" she said taking a step back having heard all about him.

"Massi? He's here?" Tony asked looking around wide eyed.

"He's right there," Sam said gesturing.

"He can't see me. He doesn't have any gifts," Massi said.

"Shame," Sam said looking over Massi admiringly. He was evil but he was hot.

"You're not so bad yourself," Massi said with an arrogant smile leaning against the counter.

"Even in death," Trey said shaking his head.

"What?" Tony asked.

"He's making a pass at Sam," Trey said with a laugh.

"Typical," Tony said glancing towards the area they indicated his old friend stood.

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