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The rest of the summer had been hard for them. It was filled with confusion, joy, grief, and guilt. Guilt that they were alive and they did not know what happened to their three best friends.

Tony and Trey had new decisions to face when they got back. They had to live those days, those years all over again.

And were Massi and Sal changed? Had they continued with their evil ways or were they good now because revenge hadn't consumed them for five hundred years?

Though it broke Sarah's heart, she prayed that Trey had lived the life he never had. She would give anything to see him again. She loved him with everything in her even though they'd only known each other for a short period of time.

But it would be selfish of her to wish that he would become what he so much hated just so that she could be with him again. And she would never ask him to make that choice.

No, it was best that he lived his life in the fifteen hundreds, married to Isabella's mother and have many more children after her.

And it was best for her, and her new friends, her newly discovered father, and her sisters. Out of all the tragedy that they had been through that was the best thing that happened out of it all. And Emily now had her father back, and all three of them had their mother back, alive and well and filled with so much love for all of them, Sarah included. Even Emily's father was treating Sarah and Sam as if they were his own. She was feeling as if she had a real family again.

She was amazed that her mother and Dan let all the kids stay in Emily's grandmother's house. Well, her grandmother's as well. They thought that the kids deserved to be together and since they were in college that they were old enough to live on their own.

To Emily and Brian's shock, Jessica and Dan's home stood as it had before the fire that Tony had saved them from because in this new reality it had never happened. It was strange for those involved with the new reality knowing what had happened to accept that for others in the world nothing had happened. No one seemed to even know who Tony, Trey and Isabella even were. Except for those living at Witch Hill.

It was so hard trying to get Trey out of her mind. As she found she had time to kill before her next class, the first one with her father. She wandered around her new college campus. It still hadn't hit her that she was a college freshman. Nothing in her life had been normal for the past several months and starting college had been the least of her worries.

Sarah found herself in front of the music building. She stared at the doorway fighting the urge to go inside. Music reminded her too much of Trey and all the discussions they had about music. About the concert he had taken her to.

She blew out a breath. Sarah pushed her way through the front door of the music hall and made her way through the beautiful marble front lobby. Her sneakers squeaked on the white marble floor and echoed in the large empty room.

Sarah heard the faint sound of a piano playing and she followed it to a set of doors. She entered the large theatre. The theatre was dark except for a few lights that illuminated the stage where a guy sat with his back to her as he played the large grand piano. His fingers were quick, she noticed, as she made her way to the front of the theatre.

Taking a seat in the front few rows of red velvet she saw his back stiffen, though his fingers did not falter, as he played the beautiful music. It reminded her of Trey. There was something dark and ominous as well as light and hopeful as he played.

When he was done she tried to regain her breath as it had gone ragged with emotion. He sat at the piano silently, his back still to her.

"That was beautiful," she said since she knew that he knew she had been listening.

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