Chapter Eleven

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"Let me see that," Emily said as George came out of the family room clutching his wrist.

"You don't have to," George said wincing as she took his arm.

"It's okay. It won't hurt me nearly as much," she said holding her hand over his bandage wrist of Tony's tee-shirt.

"Ow!" he winced as light burned into his hand. "Oh, wow, thanks," he said stretching his arm out. Emily nodded and unwrapped his bandage. "Wow, that's so cool," George said looking at his wrist to find only a faint sign of puncture marks where only minutes ago two wounds were bleeding profusely.

"Thank you," she said kissing his cheek.

"Why do I get the feeling that wasn't for calling you cool?"

"You know what it was for."

"He saved her life. It was the least I could do."

"It was very brave of you. Everyone knows how much you hate the sight of blood."

"Yeah, well, I didn't watch. That helped... I guess."

"I'm sure Trey is very grateful."

"Yeah, he said as much. You know, he's really not such a bad guy."

"No, he's not," Emily said with a smile.

"You think he'll ever tell us who's doing all this?"

"No," She said shaking her head.

"Why? Why not let us help?"

"He doesn't want anyone to get hurt."

"Sam got hurt already. She hasn't done a thing. Can't do a thing. She doesn't have any active power. She couldn't hurt a fly even if she tried."

"It's not about Sam. He's using her to get under Trey's skin."

"Oh God," George said paling.


"Isabella. Where is she?"

"She's out at the movies with Ray," Emily said and then sent out a mental search to check on her. "She's okay. They're both okay."

"Tell her to get home. Now. Raven too. She went out with her friend Jasmine."

"Yeah, ok," Emily said putting her hand to her head.

"If he hurt Sam to get under Trey's skin..."

"I get you," Emily said waving at him to be quiet.

"You are such a great dancer," Raven said with a smile at the gorgeous guy who had asked her to dance an hour ago and they were still dancing together. Her friend Jasmine left the club shortly before with a smile and a wink at Raven.

"Nah, it's my partner," he said with a smile wrapping a hand around her back.

"So, are you going to tell me your name?"

"If you tell me yours."


"Nice to meet you Raven. I am Falco."

"Falco. What an unusual name. What does it mean?"

"In Italian it means Hawk."

"You're Italian?"

"Don't I look it?"

She looked over his five foot ten athletic build, his golden tan muscular arms. The wavy black hair, the black eyes, the gorgeous Roman cheekbones. "Sure...but..."

"What? You got something against Italians?" he asked with a half laugh.

"Other way around," she said trying not to blush. She always had a thing for them.

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