Chapter Five

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"That was weird," Raven told Tony when they adjourned the meeting.

"I don't like this," Tony said putting an arm around her. He led her down the hall to the basement door and down the stairs.

"Where are we going?"

"To my lair, hahaha," he said in a sinister voice as he took her hand and led her through the living room and into his bedroom.


"I want to talk to you. Alone," he answered leading her down the hall and into the wine cellar.

"You could have asked."

"Not in front of everyone," he said. He led her through the rows of wine bottles and it seemed to her like they were walking forever. He led her into a corner and opened a wall by pressing on it.


"Emily's grandparents were into cool," he said leading her into the opening. The door slid shut behind them and they were engulfed in darkness.

"I can't see in the dark."

"There's a lantern on the left wall." He ducked as a flame leapt from her over his head and into the lantern. "Watch it!"

"Nice reflexes."

"I need to with you around," he said taking the lantern down and handing it to her.

Raven looked a head of them to a long dark staircase. "You're kidding me."

"I need to be away from here. Please."

"Alright," he said taking a step forward. "I feel like I'm sneaking out of my parents' house."

"Our mom's," Tony said, and then added "Emily" when she looked at him puzzled.

"What's going on? You and Em have always been buddy-buddy e ven after you guys broke up. Lately, you two barely speak."

"She hurt me. Deeply. I'm still trying to get over her keeping that Demetrio was alive from me. God, I can't believe she kept that from me. He's my son, Rave. My son."

"I'm sorry. She should have told you. Ray should have too."

"Seems like everything's changing with all of us."

"Emily's not perfect no matter how much she wants to be or pretends to be."

"I never expected her to be."

"Yes, you do."

"I don't."

"You think of her like your own personal guardian angel and that's not fair."

He smiled as they stepped out of the staircase and into sand. "She saved me from a lot of things over the years."

"She would have done the same for anyone. In fact, she has. Hey, where are we?" she asked looking around. He pointed to an opening in the rock wall. She moved to and it and walked through. She instantly knew where she was. They were on their private beach below the house. "I love this place at night," she said as she followed him as he went over to a group of rocks by the water and walked up them.

"Sometimes I think this is the only place pure left in the world," he said quietly as he sat down.

"Tell me what's wrong," she said sitting next to him and put her head on his shoulder.



"Trey broke up with you because of me."

Raven straightened and tucked a long strand of hair behind her ear. "That's not entirely true."

He chuckled. "Don't bullshit me, Rave, I get enough from them," he said gesturing with his shoulder up to the house.

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