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They walked across campus towards the psychology buildings. Even though Sarah had first protested, his arm was protectively around her waist as they made their way to class.

"Sarah?" he asked as they stopped outside the classroom door.

"Yeah?" She reluctantly stepped out of his arm.

"I'm...scared to go in," he said quietly.

"Why? Trevor, what's going on? What do you know about us?" she demanded.

He pulled her to the side and looked around. "Everything," he said in her mind. Her eyes widened. He nodded. "I'm scared because all these years I heard the stories, I read the journals, I had hoped it was true, but at the same time I hoped it was some big joke. But it's not. You proved that today. And I know the others are behind that door and I don't know if I'm ready for all of this. I thought I would be, and they trained me so that I would be, but I'm not. I'm scared and I'm a coward. And you can't make me go in there."

"She can't. But I can," a voice said behind them. Trevor turned to see Brian behind them.

"Hello, Trevor," Brian said with a friendly yet knowing smile.

Trevor nodded in response.

Brian patted him on the shoulder, "We'll take you any way we can get you, Trey."

Trevor looked at him. "I don't know if I am him."

Brian smiled. "Come inside. We'll find out together, huh?"

Trevor looked at Sarah with a wary glance and went inside. She led him over to a group that he knew all to well. He stopped and his feet started moving backwards until he bumped into someone. He turned to look.

"Hey, cuz," a pretty brunette said.

"Eve? What are you doing here?" he asked, surprised to see his cousin from Boston.

"Hmmm, I guess the same you are," she said with a smile and then turned to look around the room. "Whoa! It's totally true!" she exclaimed, looking at the group who looked at them in confusion as Sarah waited by his side.

"Trevor?" Sarah asked.

"Oh, this is my cousin, Eve," he said, gesturing to her. "This is Sarah."

"Yeah, I know. Wow. Cool. So, awesome to meet you," Eve said, shaking Sarah's hand vigorously.

They heard a chuckle from the door as a blonde guy made his way in. "I thought that you guys said you weren't going to go through with this," he said, making his way over to them.

"Who are the hotties?" Raven asked, coming up to Sarah.

"Uh, thanks," Trevor said, "I'm Trevor Delavino and that's my cousin, A.J and Eve," he told her. "You're Raven, right?"

She nodded and eyed A.J. "What's going on, Sarah?"

"I don't really know," she said and looked at Trevor.

"A.J Delavino, nice to meet you," the blonde guy said, putting his hand out to Raven. "Is this cool or what?"

"What?" Raven asked a puzzled expression coming over her pretty features.

A.J laughed. "You didn't tell them?" he asked accusingly and sent him an amused look.

Trevor shook his head. "Not really. I showed Sarah one of the books though."

"What is that book anyway?" Sarah asked. "Why did it have my picture in it?" she demanded.

"It has all of your pictures in it," A.J said, reassuringly with a smile looking over Raven and Emily including them in the conversation.

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