Chapter Ten

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Trey walked in the woods alone. "Damn it!" he yelled throwing out his hand. Several trees fell over. He sat down on a long dead and fallen tree and put his head to his hands.

"Girl trouble?" a voice came out of the darkness.

Trey stood up. "You had no right to kill Max!"

"Oh, I had every right. As I have every right to kill you right now, if I so choose," Salvatore said coming out of the darkness.

"So do it already!" Trey told him looking into his black souless eyes.

Salvatore laughed. "What would be the point? Max needed to be taught a lesson. In a hard way. You, you're just a boy. A mere swat will do."

Trey chuckled. "So what's my punishment?"

"I haven't decided yet," Salvatore said leaning against a tree and crossed his legs nonchalantly.

"Why all the games, Sal? Why not just kill us all?"

"Again, what would be the point? It's more fun"

"Just leave them alone, uncle. Enough is enough."

"I will decide when enough is enough," Sal said angrily tossing Trey up in the air and slammed him into a tree.

Trey pulled himself up slowly and took a deep breath to calm himself before he did something stupid. "What'd they ever do to you?" Trey asked brushing himself off. "Emily isn't my mother. She is dead. The other kids certainly have nothing to do with you. And Antonio? Well, get over it. What's done is done. He made a mistake. He didn't take us away when you tried to warn him and we got sick. She died. It happens."

"Get over it?!" Salvatore yelled, "He killed her! And he killed my parents!"

"Bullshit! The plague killed them," Trey exclaimed.

"They wouldn't have gotten sick and died if it wasn't for him!" Sal said walking up to him angrily.

"You don't know that. Besides, even if we had left we all would have died at some point. Everyone dies."

"No! That is the beauty of our power, Trey. And being vampires...there's no stopping..."

"I'm not listening to this..." Trey said walking away.

"Don't try to stop me, Trey. I don't like you that much!" Sal called after him.

"Yeah, love you too, Uncle Sal," Trey told him in his mind as he walked through the woods.

"Don't get in my way, boy. You've been warned," Sal told him back in his mind. "You know my plan is to slowly destroy Antonio. To break his heart slowly and painfully as he did mine. As he did Eliana's. I will slowly torture and kill everyone he has ever cared about even if it were but for a second. And I won't hesitate to include you and your precious daughter in that if you cross me."

"So, I had a visitor," Trey said coming into Emily's room. "Oh...sorry." he said as Emily pulled her nightgown over her head.

"You could try knocking," she said grabbing her robe.

"What would be the fun in that?" he grinned and sat down easily on the couch. "No wonder Tony dated you," he said looking her up and down. "Nice."

Emily threw a pillow at him. "Pervert," she watched him as he turned over the pillow in his hands staring at it thoughtfully. He looked worried. He looked depressed. "Salvatore?" she asked. He nodded tossing the pillow onto the couch. "What did he want?"

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