ThanksGiving or JerksGiving? Chapter Thirty Seven.

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Chapter 37. ThanksGiving or JerksGiving?

"Jordyn what are you doing for Thanksgiving?" Mason asks as his green eyes stare down at me.

I smile, "Well I'm going to be making food for my mom and I will end up eating it myself. What about you?" I ask.

He laughs, "I was wondering if you wanted to do Thanksgiving at my house? My parents are coming."

I smile, "Yeah. I would love too!" I lean in for a kiss, he lick his lips and smiles before kissing me. "So what do you want to do now?" I ask.

He smirks and wrapped his warm large muscular arms around me, "Oh, I think you know."

I laugh, " Get hot chocolate and sit on the beach?"



ThanksGiving morning. 7:32 A.M.

I rub my eyes and look in the frigid. A jug of milk, a bottle of water, and one egg.

I sigh and mumble to myself, "Why do I have to do everything myself? She's my mother for petes sake."

I climb the counter and grab the last bit of cereal and quickly eat it. I run up stairs to take a quick shower and get dressed. I opened my closet and grab a red scarf, wedges, and a grey sweater dress with tights. I quickly throw that on, I put my hair up in a bun and do my makeup. I run back down stairs, grabbing my purse and open my door. And there standing, the one and only beautiful, Mason.

He smiles and looks me up and down a few times, " You look gorgeous."

I smile back and stand on my tiptoes, placing a kiss on his lips, " Why thank you. And you look gorgeous yourself."

He chuckles, " Don't call me gorgeous ever again."

I laugh, " But your so very gorgeous." His cheeks turn rosy and I grin. "Aw! Your blushing! That's so cute!" I squeal.

He laughs embarrassed like. "I don't blush."

"Come on Mason, you can't deny it! Your blushing right now!" I exclaim.

He wraps his arms around the small of my back and smiles, "Shut up." He tells me as he leans in and placed a wet juicy kiss on my lips.

I wipe my lips and make a face, " Ew! Mason!"

He chuckles, " Gotcha."

He opens the door for me and moments later we drive off to his house. Once we arrived he unlock the door, and what I'm guess are his parents come into my view. I smile at them as he closes the door behind us.

"Uh Jordyn, this is my mom Mindy and this is my dad Conor."

His mother Mindy was holding a large glass of red wine. I put my hand out to shake theirs.

"Hi Jordyn, I'm Conor. It's a pleasure meeting you." He smiles while shaking my hand.

"Oh, it's a pleasure meeting you too!"

His mom twirls her wine in her glass and shakes my hand smiling.

"Macypoo, is this your...girlfriend?" She asks, somewhat disgusted. And yes I was slightly offended. "She looks...a little young to be your" A chuckle slips her lips, "girlfriend." She finishes, looking me up and down.

"Macypoo!!" I laugh so hard, my stomach started to hurt. Mason laughs along as his cheeks brighten. Once I stopped myself from laughing I responded with, "No my mom and I are good friends with him."

She laughs, " Oh, well, I see it now."

Mason works his way to the kitchen as I followed. And soon his parents follow along. Mason pulls the rest of the stuff out that we needed to make.

"I can make the green bean casserole."

He turns around and smiles, "Alright, here's the stuff." He informs me, placing it down on the island for me.

"Thank y-"

"Oh darling, are you sure you want to make it? You might have the looks but I doubt you have the talent to do anything."

My mouth drops. This lady was on my list.

"Mom!" Mason snaps.

"What?!?" She asks defensively.

Ignoring her comment I continue to start the casserole. Mason grabs his mothers arm and leads her to the living room. After about 5 minutes later he comes back in and looks at me. He places his hand on top of mine and comes close.

"I'm sorry, Jordyn. My mom can be a real bitch sometime."

I snort at what he called her. I elbow him and look up at him. "Mason! You can't call your mom that."

He smiles, " To late."

Mason grabs the casserole and places it in the oven above the turkey. I grabbed the ingredients we needed to make the first pie, Lemon Meringue. Once the top was ready and whipped Mason wipes some whip cream on my face. I gasp and throw some at his face.

"My eye."

I laugh, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get it in your eye." I grab a washcloth and wet it down. He looks at me with the one eye that he could. I grab his arm and he leans against the counter as I gently wipe his eye.

"Does it feel better?" I ask.

He opens his eye, smiling and looks at me. He grabs my wrist softly and kisses me on the lips. " It does now."

I chuckle, " Your cute."

" I knew it!" We turn around and see his mother leaning against the doorway.

"Mom w-"

She chuckles and smirks, "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. It'll be our little secret."


4:10 P.M.

It became awkward. His mother was a nightmare to be around. Once my mother arrived all that Mindy and her would talk about is how I'm not good at anything.

Mindy and Conor laugh hard at anything my mom said about me.

" And one time she burned water!"

Laughs echoed throughout the room. I clench my fist and slowly get up.

Mindy laughs and swirls her fourth glass of wine, " How do you burn water?"

My mom holds her stomach from laughing so hard. " I don't know!"

I walk into the kitchen and sit on the counter leaning my back against the wall.


I look over and see Mason standing beside me.

"They're bitches. I'm sorry they're being so rude. I would tell your mom off...but I can't exactly do that."

I smile, " It's okay Mason. None of this is your fault. And we can't really do anything about it."

He wraps his arms around me and rubs my back, kissing down my neck.

"Mason." I giggle. "We can't let my mom catch us."

"I can't help myself, you're just so irresistible." He says while leaving little kisses.


After hours of misery, his parents finally are leaving.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Jordyn." Mindy smiles while adding a hard tight hug. Leaving me breathless.

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