Chapter Six.

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     I WAS KIND of nervous looking at all the sets of eyes that were trained on us. There were some whispers going round the class, accompanied with some chuckles. It was hard to tell whether they were talking about us or about something else. The noise died down when Sir sent them a glare, warning them to stay quiet. You see, Hunter and I were going to do our project today, in front of the whole class. Yesterday, I had forgotten that Hunter was going to come round to working out project, so ended up going to get takeaway with Leo and Av, only to come back and find Hunter stuck in the living room window.

     Well, we didn't know it was Hunter. Leo thought that we should jump at him and scare him, I thought that we should ask him what he was doing and Av thought that one of us should kick him through so that he would get hurt and shocked; the perfect chance for us to catch him. At the end, we came up with the conclusion that he was a thief and that I should kick him as I was the 'athletic' one as they kindly put it. To say that I was surprised to see Hunter sprawled on my living room floor was an understatement. A chuckle escaped my mouth, earning weird looks from the entire class. That made me shut up and I nudged Hunter as a signal that he should start talking or they may just grill us alive.

     Hunter chuckled at the weird expression on my face and began. "We came up with an answer for the task that Sir had set us. Instead of using thing such as phones where you can text prevent call one another, you can communicate with someone nearby using our 'colour equals mood method'." Hunter said flashing a number of cards with different colours on them to the class.

     If you didn't feel like talking then you could flash the black card at them." I said as Hunter picked the black card. It went like that from there, I explained something and Hunter would show the card, maybe even explain it in a little more detail or add his opinion in somewhere. Things were going well and I was glad that the class was finding it entertaining and no longer looked like they wanted to eat us alive for wasting their time. Now, we had finished doing our bit and it was time to answer any questions for both the class and Sir. I guess both me and Hunter were glad when the class stayed quiet and no one stuck up their hand to query us, and I was pretty sure that Hunter would've thumped them if they did seeing as he was sending a scary glare to all of them.

     Sadly, Hunter's scary death glare do not work on the teacher, Mr Gilmore, who had decided that he would ask an extra couple of questions on behalf of the still class. I exchanged looks with Hunter when we had heard Sir's first question. "How would you sell this? What will you do to prevent people from copying this idea, seeing as it's quite simple?" Sir was looking pointedly at both Hunter and I with a clipboard and pen on hand. It seemed that he was tapping the pen on the clipboard impatiently, waiting for an answer from either one of us. I guess we hadn't finished with this after all.

     I glanced up at Hunter to see what he was doing. He was grounding his teeth in annoyance, obviously not sure how to answer that question. Trust Sir to ask a question which we hadn't even thought about, let alone acted upon it. I decided that I would say something as it seemed that Hunter was ready to say anything at this moment, just to get rid of the question. "We'd obviously trade - mark it." I said, wishing internally that this answer would be enough so we could finally sit down. Sir nodded and started to scribble something down on the clipboard.

     The class was silent, including Hunter and I; everybody was just staring at Sir who seemed to be thinking. I was glad that the awkward silence was finally up when Sir started to make his comments and announce our grades. "Your idea was kind of rubbish. It seemed rushed and like you couldn't think of another one so you decided that this one sufficed, however, you managed to sell it very, very well. You both took turns and managed to communicate and work well together as partners. And for that, I'm going to give you an A-. You need to work on answering your questions though. Well done!" Coach cried, beaming at us both. I guess he was happy that we had actually managed to get along and work together.

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