Chapter Twenty-two.

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     “OKAY GUYS, THAT’S the end of this semester’s topic." Mr Gilmore announced, slightly excited that we had managed to finish all the work a week earlier than we were supposed to. You could say that he was proud of himself. The smirk on his face was saying so. "But remember, we have a test next week so I want you to use the rest of the lesson to revise by yourselves or with your partner. And if you need help with anything then I'll be at my desk. Don't be afraid to ask." He said and retreated to his desk where a cup of coffee was awaiting him.

     I reached for my satchel which was sitting at my feet and took out some of my Biology notes from inside, intending to revise on my own. The work that we had gone over in class wasn't too hard to remember, so revising wouldn't take up as much time as it normally does.

     The hardest thing would probably be remembering the lesson that I hadn't even sat through; the one that I had missed because of my leg and of my headache. But Av had made a copy of notes for me and it didn't seem like anything too hard.

     It was fun. Not the headache, but the day that Hunter had taken me rock climbing. He had been exactly the type of person that I would like to spend my time with. He was sweet and caring. Thoughtful and gentle. Not anything like he was acting now.

     I knew Hunter was looking at me now, studying me, but I also knew that this wasn't the same Hunter that I had gotten to know and care for. He was distant, and proving to me that I couldn't trust him. There was so many things that were radiating from him. So many things that he didn't believe to tell me, and this is what upset me. It was as if he didn't trust me. Not like I had trusted him.

     Like people say, trust is what keeps a relationship going. And no trust means no relationship. And sadly, that just seemed the case with Hunter and I.

     "You have to speak to me sometime." Hunter stated coolly as he sat back in his seat and watched me when he ought to have been revising. Especially since he didn't pay much attention in classes. I glanced at him for a moment and then diverted my attention back to the notes before me, refusing to speak to him. "You can't ignore me forever."

     I sighed. "I know, but I can try." I said, looking up at him for what seemed to be the first time today. All this time, I had been sneaking glances and trying my best to ignore him, but when I looked at him, my resolve broke. It shattered into pieces. Just like that.

     Hunter gave me a meaningful look. One that really touched my soul. His eyes, they just looked so sad. As if this whole thing was eating at him just as much it was for me. I wanted to believe him, I really did. But there was so much at stake. If there was going to be anything between us then I wanted it to be real. It wouldn't feel right if we kept things from each other. Everything would just be so fake.

     "I want things to work between us." He said softly, like he really meant it. I hoped he did.

     "Then why keep things from me?" I asked, waiting for answer.

      He didn't give me one, not straight away. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, thinking carefully about what he was going to say next. Disbelief washed over me as he struggled to come up with a simple sentence. "That's answer enough." I scoffed and turned away from him.

     "No." He pleaded. "Hear me out."

     "Go on, then. I'm waiting." Crossing my arms over my chest, I arched an eyebrow in his direction.

     "I... well," he said, stumbling over his own words. "Yes, there are things that I'm hiding from you. But I have my reasons." He defended.

     "Well, why do you have to hide things from me? I thought you trusted me."

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