Chapter Seventeen.

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     There was this feeling in the bottom of my stomach, as if telling me that there was something wrong. Leo was grocery shopping for the house, leaving Oreo and I alone in the house. I didn't go into school today seeing my leg still hurt from the cut yesterday and it was a bit of a hassle trying to walk on it. 

     It was as if my gut was telling me that something bad was coming. Honestly, it was complex. My head hurt, as if I had just pounded it against the pavement a couple of times. My leg didn't hurt anymore, unless someone were to come and slap their hand across the cut. It was my head that was giving me a hard time.

     I was downstairs watching some TV, some show of which I didn't know the name of. This just showed how out of it I was. There was a plate of nachos on the coffee table in front of me, untouched. My head hurt so much that I had other things in mind other than putting some food into my stomach.

     Oreo was fast asleep on the sofa near my feet despite the fact that it was only Ten a.m. in the morning. I wish I could fall asleep too, maybe my headache would get better or even disappear if I did. Maybe.

     It wasn't long before I felt my eyelids start to drop and sleep overtook me, saving me from my monstrous headache. Sadly, a dream was involved with all of this. A dream... or a nightmare, I still wasn't sure.

     Graves. Old ones. Recent ones. Ones under trees. Ones with flowers surrounding them. Others alone.

     By the looks of things, I was in a graveyard. A scary one at that. Rusty old graves lined the grass with an old pot-holed, curvy path leading to somewhere even scarier. There were a couple of lone crows that sat perched upon some graves as if they were a branch from an old sturdy tree. They shrieked and flew around as their beady little black eyes landed on me, standing right in the centre of the graveyard.

      My breathing hitched and skipped a couple of beats, but not in the way like Hunter had an effect on me, but more in the direction that I feared being alone in a graveyard, despite the fact that it was in the middle of the day.

      Like I said, there were crows nesting upon some of the graves as if they were hood ornaments, watching me. Though, I felt as if there was someone else watching, lurking in the shadows. Or maybe even something else.

     I didn't stay pondering while sitting on the rock that I had discovered a little earlier. Oh no. 

      It seemed that fate had some company planned for me. Two people to be precise. If I squinted, I could roughly make out the shadow of a lean person - presumably of the male species - lurking in the shadows of the trees. Correction, not one person, but two.

      I froze in the rock that I was sitting on, unable to move even if I wanted to. While I was momentarily paralysed on the rock, the two men seemed to be getting closer to me, each approaching me from one side; one from my left and from my right. My heart beat faster in my chest, threatening to stop beating at all from all that it was doing now.

      Both men stopped at the same time, about three feet away from me, give or take. They were no longer looking at me, but at one another. Staring down the opponent, obviously not happy that there was competition.

     Honestly, I was glad that there were two, two that obviously had distaste for each other judging by the snarl that their lips had curved into. They wanted the same thing; me. And to get to me they had to defeat the other, sparing some time for me before my end. I know I should've used this time to get as far away from these men as possible, but I doubted I would be able to get far without being caught. And there was also the fact that I was curious, I wanted to know why these men were after me and why I was so important to them.

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