Chapter Fourteen.

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     "And that is on the agenda for today." Mr Gilmore snaps his fingers in front of my face to grab my attention. "Nice to have your attention, Ms Jackson. Now, one of you from your pairs please come and randomly select a topic from my top hat."

     "I'll go." Hunter grunts and jerks his chin at the desk, then walks lazily over to the desk where Sir was grinning like a Cheshire cat. I guess he had a reason to: he's got an excuse to not teach today. 

     Hunter soon returns with a slip of paper in hand and a scowl playing on his chiselled features. "We got marriage, the ‘for’s’ and ‘against’. Just out luck."

     You know what was even worse? The bell rang, signalling the end of the period, meaning that we hadn't the chance to discuss our topic, forcing us to meet up later for it.

     The class scurried out of their seats and out of the classroom as Sir called after them. "Make sure you meet up for the project, it's due in tomorrow."

     I packed my bag. "Your place, tonight?" Hunter said in a low, questioning sound.

     "Library at lunch. Be there." I ordered politely and ten left the room with Av by my side. I didn't wait around for his answer seeing as I just literally demanded it of him.

     A grunt was the response I received from Hunter as he walked past Av and I on the way to his next lesson.

     Spanish and Calculus flew by with absolutely nothing intriguing or even remotely exciting to pass the time.

     The library wasn't far from my Calculus class so I just went there after my lesson, hoping that Hunter would already be there so that we can just get the project over and done with. I was having a bad day today, not in the mood for anything.

     After ten minutes, Hunter stumbled into the library with a bedazzled expression on his face. It was as if he had seen something or experienced something that he hoped he never would. "What happened? It looks like you got groped by a freshman." I said sarcastically and shot my hand up in the air so that I could get Hunter’s attention and he would make his way over to the table that I had flagged.

     "I'm pretty sure that's what would have happened if I stayed any longer. I'm pretty sure she followed me her, too." He sat and ran his hands through his already tousled hair. His head of hair curled at the edges and over his ears, giving him that dreamy look. ... But there wasn't time to get distracted.

     "Are you ... Wait, I think I'll take your word on this one. You look shocked enough to actually make me believe you." I guffawed and grabbed a pen and paper out of my satchel. “We should probably start the project.”

     “Probably.” He said quietly, now taken a seat at the table across from me.

     “How about you go get some books from the shelves over there and I go search something up on the computer.” I jerked my thumb at the shelves to the right of us which contained books on relationships, which would come in handy for this project. As he headed over to where I had directed him, I headed over to a free computer on the other side of the library.

      There was a tiny inkling in my mind where I knew that it would probably be best if I went with Hunter and helped him, but I pushed it to the side and carried on to browse the web. I was thinking of getting some examples of celebrity weddings that were successful, and then I could probably make a point about how marriage is a universal thing, and then maybe elaborate on that.

     The internet connection was good so I wasted no time and got straight down to the project work. As I was waiting for the page to load, I heard loud muffled voices from the other side of the library, which soon followed with multiple thuds to the floor and someone whisper-yelling at someone else. And before you knew it, havoc and mayhem cursed through the whole library as Hunter apologised a many of times, though that didn’t stop him from nearly knocking a shelf over on to the librarian, who was currently eating Hunter’s ear off as she yelled at him.

     I sprung up from my seat and went to his rescue, knowing that he would not win against Mrs Harlock, our grouchy school librarian.

     After Hunter managed to dump a load of books onto Mrs Harlock’s foot, whack a passer-by in the stomach on accident while trying to prove his innocent and dropping yet another book, Mrs Harlock finally lost it and sent us both packing, and out of the library. “The pair of you are banned from coming into the library. Ever!” She spit-yelled which caused me to wipe a hand down my cheek.

     “Princess-” Hunter started, but couldn’t get to finish as I huffed and walked away from him and to the lunch hall.

     "Just get on!" Hunter grunted while he revved the engine of his Ducati.

     I brushed him off and dialled Leo's number on my iPhone. I listened to the dialling tone for a while until it went straight to voice mail, frustrating me even more than the frustrated state I was already in.

     I cancelled the call and placed my phone back in the back pocket of my jeans.

     Av had given me a ride this morning so I didn't need to bring my Audi, but she had a date tonight with Gabriel so I couldn't catch a ride with her now. And that is causing a problem at the moment. Elliot is not picking up his phone so I have absolutely no ride home. Other than the fact that Hunter had been persuading me to let him give me a ride for the past ten minutes.

     A knowing smirk crept up onto Hunter's face as he watched me release many frustrated sighs and groans. "Are you sure about that, Princess?"

      My eyes narrowed as he brushed his hand through his hair in attempt of avoiding my many glares. If looks could kill then Hunter would be dead five times over, but then I would feel bad and would probably be miserable for the rest of my life. Well, maybe it's a good thing that looks couldn’t kill.

     “Straight home. No stops or detours on the way.” I was glad that I sounded firm when in control when I said that. Knowing Hunter, he may have just taken me to the other side of town if I hadn’t sounded as firm as I did. I swung one leg over the book and made sure that I was secure in my seat before wrapping my arms around Hunter’s midsection.

     “I’m still angry with you.” I stated as I unclicked the helmet that was currently strapped to my head. “You just had to go and get us banned from the library.”

     A low chuckle escaped from him, though it soon turned into a cough once I looked his way. “I’m sorry, Princess. I’ve never been in a library before.”

      Hunter walked me up to the porch and leaned against the wall as I fished for my keys in my satchel. “Not going to invite me in? I’m hurt, Princess.”

     I ignored his comment. “Okay, you do your part of the project and I’ll do mine, and then we’ll present to the class tomorrow.” I stated and then intended to close the door and get on with the rest of my day, but Hunter wasn’t having any of that. He stuck his foot out, stopping the door from closing and then went on to entering my house in his own will.

     “Or, we can do it now.”

     Hunter and I started to make dinner. We ended up making a chilli stir fry, one that contained the slices of onions, if you can call them that, which Hunter had sliced. After making this mistake once, ever again will I make it again. It turns out that Hunter cannot cook to save his life. He didn’t even know that chopping onions makes you cry.

     After we had completed our project, Hunter left with a bandaged hand, one that he cut when he tried to cut the onion in half. Apparently, cooking is much more dangerous than it is in the ring while he is boxing.

     That was how the rest of the evening went. With no nightmares or signs of any Assassins.


A/N: Hey guys. I hope you like his chapter and I'm sorry that it’s a little short. The story is just starting to get good and I'm planning on there to be Twenty-eight chapter. And trust me; the good bits are coming up very soon.

My aim for this holiday is to upload two chapters every well whole in the holidays so that I'll be on Chapter Twenty by the end of it and will be on track to enter it in the ‘Watty Awards’, so please don't give up on this story just yet.

Please give me some feedback as I love reading all the wonderful comments that you all leave for me. Sorry for the short chapter, not much is happening in this chapter. I hope the next one will make up for it.

I hope to upload soon.

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