Chapter Twenty-three.

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I had managed to grab a few hours of sleep last night. It seems that having nightmares managed to take up much of one's time. Every now and again my mind would wonder back to all the weird dreams that I've been having later, like some sort of an intervention. I would once again, be reminded of some of the things that I had forgotten about. Now that they were back on my mind, I would try and piece them all together but would always end up with the some questions revolving and orbiting round in my head.

     Like, why me? What did they want with me? Why didn't I notice anything before? Nothing was adding up and it was really starting to bug me now. But, I guess time will tell and things will soon start to make sense. Though I wasn't sure if I would be able to stay silent for so long without hunting down Hunter and demanding some much needed answers. I doubted I would do that.

     Today was a school day, but I wasn't at school. Instead, I was cleaning at home. Leo had believed me when I said that I just wasn't feeling very well, so he warmed to the idea of me staying home instead of attending school. Little did he know that I was feeling fine, and the real reason why I didn't want to go to school.

     You see, after that dream that I had had yesterday, Hunter kind if scared me. The more I thought about it, the more confused I was as to why they wanted me, and what it is they wanted. There was something about the other man with him that freaked me out even more than I already was. They spoke about my parents, as if they knew them. As if they had once been good friends, but I doubted that. 

     I didn't know my parents but I was hoping that they didn't know that man, because if they did then the whole situation would just sound... believable.

     You could officially say that I was slightly scared of Hunter and I intended to stay away from him until everything clears up, but that might be a little hard as I had... some sort of feelings for him. Feelings that I was now starting to doubt. Ugh! Why did I have to like Hunter?

     Dusting the shelves, I managed to knock over one of Lisa's expensive vases, but luckily I had managed to catch it before it cracked and shattered into a million pieces on the fireplace. A sigh if relief escaped passed my lips as I placed it back in its rightful place and got back to dusting, though I was much more careful this time.

    I had finished a little early so decided that I would spend some time revising in the library for the Biology test that was next week.

     It took me ten minutes to drive over to the library in my Audi. There was a large choice for me to park as the parking lot was very much empty like it usually was. After having parked, I jogged in and say down at a table which already had someone sitting there. The someone was a female, a very busy one at that. She was sifting through stacks of papers, looking for something.

     She looked up at me and I smiled, only for me to take her in fully. "Hey, Enya. Long time no see."

     She gave me a sweet smile. "Yeah. What have you been up to?" She asked, placing all the papers in front of her to the side so she could get a good look at me, I guess. She propped her arms in the table, looking at me, taking me all in.

     I shrugged. "Nothing much." I dated blandly and retrieved my Biology text book from by bag. "Just the usual."

     She nodded and started grazing through her papers once more, leaving me to concentrate on the notes before me. Silence engulfed us both as we concentrate on our own things. 

     The library was fairly empty except for a few people reading books nearby. There was also some men sitting a couple of tables away from us who seemed engrossed with their laptops and smartphones, probably doing something related to business. The librarian on duty today was the grouchy old one, the one that snapped at people for the tiniest of things. Like that time when I was walking with a book in my hand and I tripped over my own feet. I had dropped the book so she spent ten minutes shouting at me. There were many people looking on at that time, though they were too scared of her to make a move to help me. Since then, I've been very careful when walking in the library, not wanting to set her off.

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