Chapter Twenty-four.

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THE FIRST THING I noticed was the headache that refused to leave me alone. It was consistent, determined to pester me until it got bored and moved onto its next victim. My head hurt and I felt slightly dizzy, so I decided that I would go find somewhere to sit until this headache disappears. And that was when I took in my surroundings.

     My ears filled with the insanely loud music that was blaring from the speakers. It was as if my ear drums would burst if the music got any louder. I couldn't even make out the lyrics to the song so all that was audible was the loud beats which caused my ear drums to ring continuously. Though I seemed to be the only person who noticed this; everyone else was either dancing or talking without a care in the world.

     The lighting was turned to dark, so I had to squint while making my way through the crowd that was dancing vigorously in the centre of the room. My guess was that it was some sort of party, but why was I here?

     There were people dancing all around the room. There were many who were dancing in the centre if the room vigorously. Though there were also others who were doing other things. For example, you could take the large group of guys who were huddled around the large Plasma Screen TV, playing some sort if video game which made them go from cheering and distributing high fives, to groaning and kicking the table in annoyance. Others were sat in the stairs, talking privately as the music wasn't as loud there. Many were just scattered across the room, doing their own thing.

      As I weaved through the crowd, I came across a familiar face. Matt. From the basketball team. Who was dancing in the centre of the room with a girl, who if I remembered correctly, was his girlfriend. "Hey, Matt." I said, but he just carried on dancing as if he had never heard me. It was time to try again. "Matt?" I called, but this triggered no response at all. My awful headache had put me in a bad mood and being ignored was not helping one bit. "This isn't funny anymore.” Annoyed, I glared at him, though this was a waste of time.

     A huff escaped my lips before I turned my back on him and his girlfriend. Snaking through the crowd, I came face to face with many more familiar faces. People who I went to school with or, people who used to attend out school. They too, didn't pay attention to me as if they couldn't see me. That or they just didn't care. I leaned towards the latter as that just made more sense.

     After being elbowed out of the crowd, I just stood on the outside until someone saw me. There were quite a few people here from school, yet still none of them recognised me. Or even paid enough attention to me to know that I was standing there.

     My eyes followed a group of guys who were in the dance club. They wreaked havoc all over the house as they went from dancing on the stairs to busting some moves on a table where people were playing a game or were the drinks were at; initially knocking them over. The guys had spotted a prime location and decided to head over there. Sadly, I was standing in their path, and no matter how hard I tried to move out of their way, one of them would probably end up knocking into me.

     You would have expected one of them to bump into me and then apologise as that would've been the polite thing to do. But no, that didn't happen. They didn't apologise as they didn't bump into me. Period. Instead, they walked through me.

     None of this made sense, but that was what happened. There I was, standing and waiting for the pain and then the apology, but the pain never came. So I opened my eyes to see that the blonde haired dancer had just walked through me. He didn't even wince or make a face, unaware of what he had just done. But I felt it. It wasn't pain; it was more of a shiver. Watching him walk through me like he walks through air.

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