Chapter Seven.

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A/N: I hope you guys haven’t forgotten Riley. Riley from Starbucks? Riley from the coffee shop?

Well, you’ll meet him again I this chapter. I personally love Riley, I think he’s really cool. Well, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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     I WOKE UP from the bed in a flash. I was breathing rapidly, just trying my best to get it all out there. I clutched my throat as I had dreamt of having it being slit. I peered round the room, glad with what I saw. Everything was in its place and there was nothing unusual about my room at all.

     It was just a dream, I kept telling myself. I was still huffing and puffing from what I had seen in the dream. It was another dream consisting of me being assassinated by some assassin who concealed his identity with a black hood. After inspecting the room thoroughly from my position on the bed, it was safe to say that everything was normal and that I would be able to go back to sleep. I lay down on the bed enjoying the soft feel of my sheets against my skin. I felt my body relax from its previous tense state and I felt my eyes close, drifting off to a land of peaceful slumber.

     That is, until I felt something tugging on my sheets. At first, I thought it was Oreo so I didn’t even bat an eye lid, knowing that he would go away in a little bit. I ignored him and tried to retreat back to sleep. When that didn’t happen I groaned as Oreo was still consistently tugging on the sheets. “Oreo! Not now!” I whined hoping that sleep would soon come. I sighed in frustration as I knew for a fact that I wouldn’t be able to sleep with Oreo disturbing me as he was currently doing. I cracked open my eyes to glare at Oreo, hoping that he would get the message and leave me alone. I expected Oreo to be sitting on the ground, waiting for me to pick him up so he could snuggle in the sheets along with me to escape this cold weather. Instead, I saw black boots standing in the place where I expected Oreo to be.

     My eyes trailed up a little bit, following the boots until they got to a point where they were no longer looking at the boots, but at a hooded face. A smile was visibly playing on the face of the hooded man. I gulped at the sight as it was not a friendly smile, but the total opposite. The man was ginning at me, looking between me and the blade that he held in his grasp. My eyes trailed down to his hands now, taking in the sharpness of the blade. The blade was small, but was clearly capable of dangerous things. I gulped once again, if only I had kept my eyes closed!

     I threw back the sheets, a move to escape from the hooded man. Sadly, he had other plans playing on his mind. As I made an attempt to spring off the bed and as far away from him as possible, he grabbed onto my hair and tugged, bringing me to him. Once I was in his grasp the man wrapped an arm around my waist to hold me in my place. All attempts of escape disappeared from my mind.

     The man carried on looking between his blade and me. His evil smirk grew wider, now dominating his face. The blade proceeded in the path towards my neck, though the man stopped it midway and held it away from me. Relief washed over me, and it must have been evident on my face as the man laughed. I struggled in his embrace, trying to get away from him as he was currently distracted. The man just tightened his grip on me and brought his face closer to me. The man brought up the hand that was holding the blade and cupped my cheek, the blade pressed against it. I could feel the cold of the blade, aware that one wrong movement from me would cause a large cut on my cheek. I closed my eyes as the man brought his face even closer to mine, eliminating as much space as he possibly could.

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