Chapter Nineteen.

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     I WAS STANDING in the centre of the room, the door blocked off by the man in black.

     There were three men in robes this time two in red, and one in black. But we weren't in a graveyard this time; it seemed that we were in some sort of a room. And judging by the bed, bedside table and wardrobe, I would guess that this was someone's bedroom. It was a large room, slightly bigger than the one I had at home. The bed was made neatly, giving off the idea that it was a girls bedroom, but the wall were lined football posters and pictures of a couple of males. I then can't up with the conclusion that this room, did indeed belong to a male.

      The walls were a white in colour, decorated with posters, pictures and a couple of interesting pieces of art. There was a desk on the other side of the room, one that seemed to be clustered with piles and piles of papers, papers which seemed very insignificant at the moment.

      All in all, the room was quite interesting, what with all the different types of art available on the walls. However, the three men in robes that stood before me didn't seem to think them of any interest, instead they had their body's turned towards me, giving me their undivided attention despite the fact that I didn't really want it. 

     They were all looking at me, as if studying me. I couldn't see their eyes under their hoods, though that didn't mean that they weren't watching me.

     The two men in red stood quite close together, as if huddling like penguins to preserve warmth. Though I was sure it was only because they could talk to each other without being heard by the other man and me. The man in black stood a little away from them and a little closer to me. His body was tense, as if he was ready to strike at any given moment.

     Once again, the man in black seemed to be someone of interest to me. He was so quiet and reserved, only speaking in a few words with a low tone of voice, as if hiding something. Everything g about him screamed interesting to me: his stance, his actions and most definitely, his words.

     Both men in red were preoccupied at the moment, his peering harshly amongst themselves, huddled so tight together that I could only make out a few words.

     "Strike... Soon... We... Hurry... Power..." That's as about it. Everything was a jumble of words and sounds, much too hard to decipher.

     This carried on for a little while and like before, I could only make out a few words. Though I added these words to the previous list; the outcome definitely something to be feared.

     My breathing hitched as I stood in the centre of the room, with no memory at all of how I got there. This reminded me of what had happened the other day, something that I did not wish to remember. The man in red had been murdered gruesomely by the man in black. And now they were both standing before me, with one extra. Once again, I was reminded how I had watched the man in red die, murdered by the other cloaked man, and this got me thinking: I saw him die, so how could he be standing before me now? Or maybe it wasn't him. Maybe it was two more from their cult. That's if... they were even part of a cult. 

      These dreams, they were a part of me now. There were so many clues and pieces that I could remember, but none of them make sense. I had no idea what they meant, or even if they were directed at me. For many days now, I've wanted answers as curiosity has literally been eating me from the inside, demanding answers. So much was happening, but I didn't know why, or how.

     They would barrel down on me when I least expected them. Then they would shed some light on a certain subject, one that seemed totally irrelevant to me. Having not understood any of it, I would be left frustrated and craving some well-deserved answers. And this seemed to be another of those times. I wanted answers. My unanswered questions needed some sense to be out to them so they would make sense, but there no answers to complete that dish so it was a complete failure. Like a sunken soufflé.

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