when he turns into a kid/baby

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You were sitting in the living room when you heard a small yawn. You turned around and saw what you thought was the most adorable thing in the whole world. A baby Slenderman. "Dolly, I'm hungry." He said rubbing his eyes. You were fangirling so much inside. "Oh ok. Want some cereal?" You asked. "Yes please." He said sitting at the table in the kitchen. He was so short, cute, and polite. He still had no face though, he had small version of tendrils, and wore all black besides a red necktie. You gave him a bowl of cereal and he ate it happily. You spent the whole day taking selfies, taking videos of him, and cuddling.

Jeff the baby
You were laying on your bed when you felt something poke your leg. "Huh?" iu said sitting up. "Babe." You hears a babyish voice say. "Jeff is that you?" To u asked picking up the black haired baby. The baby kept smiling. "Oh yeah its you alright." You said. "Here play with this." You said taking out one of those rubix cubes and setting him on the floor. He started to try to solve it but failed. You video taped the whole thing. Even the part where HW just gave up and started stabbing the mind game. "That's my little killer." You said getting ready to send it to your other friends.

Ben "baby" drowned
You were playing video games when a small link crawled into tour lap and started sleeping. "Huh? Who's this?" You said looking at him. You shoke the little baby gently and he opened his eyes. Once you saw the red eyes you knew it was ben. "When did this happen? Well he looks tired here you can sleep with me tonight." You said picking him up and going to the couch. You laid down and laid him on our chest. He curled up and slept. You managed to take several pictures and fangirl while the baby slept.

Hoodie and Masky
(H/gf/n) was holding a baby hoodie's hand as she walked to her friends house. "Oh hey, is that hoodie?" She asked. "Yeah he wanted to see Masky." (H/gf/n) explained. (M/gf/n) let her in and told them to wait a minute. "Masky! Hoodie's here!" She called upstairs. Masky ran downstairs and hugged hoodie. "Aw!!!" You both said and started taking pictures. You took videos of them playing with blocks, and Lego's. They both ate (m/gf/n)'s supply of cheesecake making her put what was left(which wasn't much) out of their reach. "No more cheesecake Masky." She said. "You to hoodie." The other said. They both ended up getting stomach aches.

Ticci waffles
"Toby! Toby! Where are you?!" You called walking around the house.
"(Y/n)-chan?" He asked holding a teddy bear. "Oh my god! You are so kawaii!!!!" You yelled holding him. "(Y/n)-chan? Can you call me Toby sempie?" He asked. "Of course Toby sempie!" You cuddled him for the rest of the day.

Dark link
You were falling asleep. Why? Oh because you were being lectured by a baby dark link. "Yes darkness I know. I'll be careful." You said. He followed you into the kitchen and watched you as you set a mouse trap. You had a tiny bit of a Moise problem so you tried to fix it. A mouse was scurrying around and darkness chased it. He chased it till he got tired and fell asleep in the middle of the hallway.

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