When you go on a trip

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You and Slendy had decided to take a little trip. Nothing big, just going to the redwood forests to see those bigass trees. They were so tall even Slendy couldn't see the top. He did teleport to the top and take a picture for you since there was no way you were gonna go up there with him.

Jeff the killer

"I'm bored." "And?" "Take me somewhere." "Fine. close your eyes..." You closed them. You felt wind rush by your face and a car engine. Was he actually bringing you somewhere!? after a while... "Open!" You opened your eyes and just saw that you were outside the mansion in the woods. "I know the hell you didn't just bring me outside." You said. "Surprise?" "Get over here!" You started angrily chasing him.

Ben Drowned

"What's it like inside a video game?" You asked. "It's like real life. But the people are faker." "Hmmmm..." "No." "I didn't even say anything!" "Still no." "Please?" "N-" "PLEASE!" "Ugh fine." he pulled you into the tv with him. For the rest of the day, you went wild in his video game.


"Oh. This is nice." You said as Masky had brought you to an abandoned park. His reasoning I guess was so you two wouldn't be disturbed by children. A good reason actually. The two of you had a nice picnic, that Masky made, you laughed at Masky for even trying the rundown playthings. Like the rusty slide, old swings, and the kinda broken see-saw. Which broke even more after Masky used it.


"Cheesecake factory?" You asked looking at the building. Hoodie nodded. "I mean I didn't expect anything less but This is more like a date." You said. "So?" "That's fair." You both went in and had a nice time together.

Ticci Toby

"Not to be annoying or anything but where are we going?" You asked as Toby was pulling you off somewhere, not to mention you were blindfolded so looking around wasn't an option. Soon he stopped pulling you took off the blindfold. This revealed that you two were on top of a very large cliff. You closed your eyes. "Take me back." "Bu-" "home. Now." He took you home and endured your complaining about the surprise 'death trap' or trip.

Dark Link

"So. We've been walking through the woods for an hour, ten minutes, I don't know. Where are we going?" You asked as you followed Darkness. "Here." He came to a clearing which held a very beautiful lake. "Whoa....it looks like glass..." you said and went close to it. "Yeah, it's a nice place, pretty clean to. By lake standards." He said and hung out with you there watching little fish, almost falling in, then actually falling it.


"Rake how come you barely take me anywhere?" You asked. "WeLl BeCaUsE pEoPlE dOn'T tAkE kInDlY tO tHiNgS lIkE mE." He said as he was eating, whatever he was eating. "But what about like a picnic in the woods or like a less populated place?" You asked. "I tHiNk I'm GoOd. LeT's JuSt StAy HoMe AnD rElAx." He said. Short story shorter, you two stayed home and watched unsolved mysteries on tv.

Sonic exe.

"Okay, where are we?" You asked looking around at the unfamiliar area. "Just go inside there. You'll see the real god!" Sonic said before disappearing. "Right...." You walked in and could see anything. "I can't see anythi-" Before you could finish you heard Sonic laughing loudly as you saw him, everywhere. "A hall of mirrors...of course.." You sighed. "Take a good look! I AM GOD!" He said as his reflections were everywhere you looked. You tried getting out but it took an hour or two.

Laughing Jack

"Isn't this the abandoned amusement park? What kind of trip is this? Are you gonna kill me now? We've been together for so long-!" You cried. "What no, this is where I live. It's not abandoned since I live here and since I'm here with you now." L.J said. You stopped crying. "Oh. Then forget what I said. Anyway, does anything even work here? Looks broken." You said. "Eh not exactly, but there is a house of horrors. Come on." L.J took your hand and went into the scary house. Needless to say, he disappeared multiple times and managed to scare you when he reappeared.

Heeeeey guys

I know it's been like a year since I last updated this thing

I apologize

Which brings me to an announcement:

I will no longer be working on this book

I'm sorry for those who really enjoyed it and wanted more
But I've just lost the motivation- no not that, cause most of your comments motivate me enough to keep going with it

I know what it is but I can't explain it, I'm sure someone knows what in mean

I want to focus other books of mine, and work to eventually complete them.

I'm again sorry for not doing everything you guys suggested

But if it makes anyone feel better, I've been considering making a oneshot book but I'm not entirely sure yet.

Anyway, tomorrow is my birthday and I'm traveling the next day so I doubt I'll be online

But I usually find a way.

Also take a look at this:

Also take a look at this:

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Look at that

Those number are incredible

I love and appreciate you all for giving this book your support and for giving me ideas when I needed them

You're all the best

You all made those numbers possible and I can't thank you enough

And for your reading pleasure, I'll get rid of those pesky A/N's That are scattered around here

Stay creative

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