When You Fight (I swear I'm going to cry)

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I was hanging out at slender mansion alone since everyone was on a mission, including slender. I was just wandering around when I saw a pair of scissors on the floor. "That's dangerous. Come on scissors let put you on a safe place.' I said and kept walking. I had made a detour to Slender's room since he always had a little candy jar he kept for Sally but he allowed me to take a piece every now and then. I went to the closet and looked in horror. All his suits were cut up, shredded and just destroyed. I heard static and a sigh. "Anothing change tod-" I heard slender stop mid sentance and his eyes stare right into me. I was afraid to turn around. "Y/n? Why would you do this?" He asked using my name. He only did that when he was being very serious or he was upset. "I-i didn't I swear!" I said turning around making him notice the scissors. "Y/n you know I need those why would you come and destroy them?" He asked sounding more mad. "I didn't do anything! Don't you trust me!" I said. "Clearly I can't trust such a destructive mortal!" He yelled at me. He never called me a mortal before but the way he said it and the fact that he yelled at me hurt more than I wanted it to. Tears stung my eyes. "You know what fine! I'll just leave and take my honesty somewhere else!" I yelled back throwing the scissors on the floor and storming out of the mansion hoping he didn't see the tears fall down

Jeff the killer
I was tagging along with Jeff on a mission. He already told me a few times that I had to be quiet and stuff. But then when we got to the house of his victim I stopped. 'Huh this looks familiar..' I thought as we both crept in. Jeff went to a room with a pink door. "The only person I know with a pink door is-" Jeff opened it and I was frozen. My little sister was sleeping soundly in bed. "Jeff what the hell are you doing!?" I yelled at him. "Killing the victim are you blind or something." He said. "That's my sister!" I yelled. "Yeah and? She's just a victim in my books." He said as if it wasn't a big deal. I was angry. "What are yu getting so worked up about? If you didn't want to come you didn't have to." He said. "I'm glad I did come! You were about to kill my sister!" I clenched my fists. "Well if I don't kill her my neck is on the line." He said. "I don't give a duck what happens to you!" I growled. "Well then that makes two of us. Of you leave now another paste will kill you and guess who's fault it will be. Yours. You chose to date a psychopathic murderer and this is what happens." He growled back. "You what then fine! Forget you! If you kill her you kill me to!" I argued. He held his knife to my neck. "Gladly." He said coldly. I felt tears of betrayal and anger well up as I swatted his hand away and ran away. Jeff sighed and left the house even though he didn't kill the victim he needed.

Ben Drowned
I was going through my house and cleaning when I saw a game cartridge I haven't seen before. "Huh? When did this get here?" I asked myself. I was studying it when I heard Ben drop from my tv making me drop the game and breaking it. Ben came in and froze when he saw the game. "W-what have you done!!" He yelled and rushed to the game. "Oh my god I am so-" he cut me off. "Do you know how rare this game is?! How clumsy can you get!" He yelled at me. "So you care more about a dumb game than me! What if I was dropped and broken what would you do?" I asked thinking I knew his answer. "You can be replaced this can't!" He spat. I stared at him. 'So that's it you would just replace me? Well good luck finding someone like me!" I snapped and left the house feeling the urge to cry.

Hoodie (I feel so bad!!)
"Hoodie are you sure you should be eating that?" I asked him for the tenth time. He was trying to eat Masky's cheesecake. "I-i'm sure." He stuttered but I could hear a little annoyance in his voice. I nodded and he started eating it. "I just don't think-" he cut me off. "Your right you don't think! Now will you just shut up and let me eat!" He yelled without stuttering. "What is wrong with you? Why are you yelling at me?" I asked feeling hurt. "Your always on my back! Hoodie don't do this you shouldn't do that! Everyday it's the same! You're so damn annoying!" He snapped at me. "Well you are to! I wouldn't have to say all that if you just did what I said!" I snapped back at him. "Why don't you go take that somewhere else then!" He yelled. "Fine! I will!" I yelled back and went to my room and locked the door keeping him out. I curled up on the bed and tried not to cry.

"Strawberry?" Masky asked from the kitchen. "Yeah?" I replied as I read my book. "Where did you put my cheesecake?" He asked. "Oh I ate it. I'll go out to get some more." I said. "You ate it? I told you not to!" He snapped. "Excuse me? First of all don't you dare raise your voice at me. Second-" "not there is no 'second' I should get enough respect from you to be obeyed when I say something." He said. "Oh so what am I some little slave that's supposed to sit at your feet and do whatever you say?" I spat. "If that's what it takes then yes!" He yelled. "Oh no you did not just call me a slave! You know what! Fuck you and your damn cheesecake! Go buy yourself a new one!" I stormed up to my room and slammed the door closed. I locked it then locked the windows and laid on my bed staring up at the ceiling trying to fight tears.

Ticci Toby(I'm for real crying at this point)
"Toby I think we should leave." I mumbled. "W-why? We're just *tic* hanging with clocky." He said. "No you are. I don't want to be here." I said. "S-so I'm not *tic* allowed to be around *tic* my friends anymore?" He sounded irritated. "It's not that. You just drag me along with you." I said. "W-well maybe if *tic* you were more willing *tic* I wouldn't have *tic* to drag you." He said. "Is that the problem? Being willing?" I said. "Yeah. You never want *tic* to do what I want. It's *tic* always about you." He said. "All about me? I let you drag me wherever you want and you think I'm unwilling?" I was getting irritated. "You know what? Fine stay with clockwork. Maybe she'll be more willing to be dragged around." I huffed and left going back to my house.

Dark Link(last one finally)
I was cuddling my favorite Link plushie one day while playing legend of Zelda. Darkness popped out of the tv and took it from me. "Hey! What was that for!" I loved that plushie. "Don't cuddle with him." He said. "Darkness it's just a plushie." I said pausing the game and going to get it. Instead Darkness threw it down and stomped on it. "Darkness! What are you doing!? Stop it!" I yelled. "You aren't allowed to cuddle him got it." He said keeping his foot on the plushie. "Darkness! Stop being an asshole and give me back my plushie!" I yelled. "No." He said. "Darkness! Give it now!" I yelled. "Are you deaf you idiot! I said no! And u mean it!" He snapped at me. "Why you little- no you know what fine keep the damn plushie you asshole. I don't even want to see you face." I stormed off to the guest room which I used as my panic room. I locked the door and turned off every electronic device in there including my phone and I sat on the bed hugging my knees.

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