When You Make Up (Yay Happy Ending!!!)

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Its been a few days since the fight. An I was sitting in my room crying. Not entirely because slender and I fought but because he yelled at me and called me a mortal. I heard a small tap on my door. "C-come in." I sniffed and wiped my eyes. My mom came in. "Sweetheart? Someone is here to see you." She said opening the door more to reveal a human slender with an ashamed face. "I'll leave you two." My mom said and went downstairs. Slender knelt by my bedside and put his head down. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have blamed you for something I know you wouldn't do. I was just a bit stressed, it had nothing to do with you at all. I didn't mean to call you a mortal the way I did or to raise my voice at you. Please y/n it's not the same without you there by my side." He looked me dead in the eyes. I could tell he hasn't slept much since the last time I've seen him. I wiped my eyes. "I-i should apologize also. I shouldn't have made it look like I destroyed your possessions." I said. "That was my fault I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions." Slender said. "Oh come on kiss and make up already. I can tell you both are sorry for whatever happened." My mom said. She was listening to the whole conversation. Slender chuckled a bit at hr nosyness and looked at me. "Do you-" "forgive you? Yes." I said cutting him off and hugging him. He hugged me back and smiled. "I love you doll." "I love you to slender."

Jeff the killer
I was sitting in my room still pissed off at what Jeff had almost done. Then there was a knock at my window. I looked over and saw the person I honestly didn't want to see at this point. Jeff. "Y/n i need to talk to you." He said. I nodded but didn't let him in. He got the message. "Listen I'm sorry. I was a huge dick for even thinking of hurting someone in your family especially someone you hold closer than anything. I understand if you don't want to be near me anymore." He said. I sighed and opened the window. "I'm still a bit pissed but I forgive you idiot." I said. "Y- ahh!" I had pushed him from the window ledge. "I deserved that!" He called after landing on the sidewalk. "Yeah you did asshole!" I called back.

Ben Drowned
I was walking around the neighborhood one day. I hadn't gone back home in a few days but I was fine since I bought food along the way. I had my phone with me when it buzzed alerting me of a text message. I opened my phone and looked. It wasn't a message but an actual person that popped up. It was a really sad looking Ben. "Oh it's you." I said as Ben came out of the phone. "Y/n listen. I need you back. You aren't a thing I can just replace. There's only one of you in the world. I was lucky enough for you to say yes. I know I fucked up by even thinking for a second that I could replace you. I can't live the same without you. I get if you don't want to forgive-" I shut him up by kissing him. "God Ben just shut up already. I forgive your dumb ass ok? And I got this for you." I handed him the cartridge I broke. "What how did you?" He asked. "Friends in high places." I said. He hugged me tightly. "The game doesn't matter as long as I have you." He said. I hugged him back. "Thanks Ben."

I hadn't left my room in I don't even know how long. I ould tell Masky was still there cause I would hear footsteps come up to my door, there would be a silence as the paused, then they would leave. It happened almost every hour. But today instead of the footsteps stopping and leaving there was a knock on my door. 'C-come in." I said not bothering to wipe my face. Masky walked in not looking at me directly. "W-what do you want? To yell at me again?" I sniffled. "Y/n I didn't mean to yell at you. I didn't mean a single word about you being a slave of any kind. I was just a bit upset. You had every right to eat the cheesecake since we bought it together. But if you're still mad at me I completely understand." Masky said. I noticed he wasn't wearing his mask. I could tell he hadn't gotten much sleep. I waved for him to come closer. He did so. I smacked him across the face hard. "As much as I love you. You also had no right whatsoever to call me what you did. And don't ever in your life raise your voice at me again." I said sounding dead serious. "I wouldn't ever dream of it." Masky said. When he said that I lost the toughness and broke down crying in his arms. He didn't say a word but wrapped his arms around me. Almost as if to tell me, that he was there and everything was going to be ok.

This was heartbreaking. I was so proud that my little Hoodster had said something without stuttering. But it absolutely broke my heart to know it was when he was yelling at me. Just the thought made me cry uncontrollable tears. "Y-y/n?" It was him. His stutter was back and he sounded sad. Like if dogs could talk this dog just peed and pooped on the carpet, tore up all the toilet paper, and chewed up your shoes. "Come in." I said trying to make my voice sound like I hadn't been crying as much as I had. Anyway, he walked in holding a box and not looking me in the face. "H-here." He handed me the box. I took it and wiped my eyes before opening it. There was a note, beautifully written. It said:

Dear y/n,
I shouldn't have been so upset with you. You've been so good you me and I have to be the same to you. I feel terrible knowing I made my ray of sunlight cry. My world has been very dark and sad. I get it if you're still mad. But please know that I'm sorry.


I teared up again from the pure sincerity of this apology. Then I looked under the note. It was a cheesecake with 'you are my sunshine I love you' written in strawberry sauce. I put both down and hugged Hoodie tightly. "I love you to. And I forgive you." I said. He hugged me back. I found it adorable that Hoodie had done this for me. I decided to share the cheesecake with him. He agreed after I had to basically beg him. But I love him to death.

Ticci Toby
I had gone home leaving Toby with Clockwork. He hadn't called, texted, or contacted me in the past few days. I wasn't really worried about his well being. He was a serial killer and could easily defend himself from police and other things. I was more worried about the fact that he might not want to see me again. He was the best thing to happen to me since I discovered frozen waffles. I was going deeper and deeper into the worry pool when my window completely shattered. "Ahh!!" I screamed thinking someone was going to break in, rob me, then kill me. It turned out to be Toby. "S-sorry about *tic* your window. It was the *tic* quickest way to *tic* get to you." He said climbing in. I panted still a bit shaken up from the scare. "I came to *tic* apologize. I know I *tic* always drag you along *tic* with me when I hang out with the other *tic* pastas. I'm sorry for *tic* calling you unwilling. You are the most *tic* willing person I've ever met." Toby said. I had calmed down significantly. "It's ok. You just wanted me to meet your friends and I understand that." I said. Toby lit up and hugged me. I smiled and hugged him back. "I love *tic* you." "I love you to."

Dark Link
I haf been locked in the guest room for a few days. Since I used it as a panic room it had enough food to last a person a whole month. Although I wasn't eating any of it. If I ate while angry, I would just throw it up so there was no point in wasting food that way. I sighed and turned on my phone. Almost instantly, Darkness popped out and tumbled onto the floor. "Ow that hurt." He mumbled to himself as he rubbed his head. "What do you want." I said. "I want to apologize." He said facing away from me. "What are you doing?" I asked. "You said you didn't want to see my face." He said. "Whatever." I said. "Anyway. Listen I'm sorry for being such an asshole. I just uh sorta got jealous that you were cuddling a plushie of my enemy. And uh here. I got you this." He turned and handed me a brand new Link plushie. I sighed and took it. "I thought you didn't get jealous." I said. "Well this is one instance where I would." He said. "But am I forgiven?" "Yeah but be an asshole like you were and I'll snap off your little friend." I said. "My wha- oh." He said. "Yeah now come here and cuddle." I said. He wasted no time and cuddled me.

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