hello again

2.3K 28 19

Well well

So we meet again lovely reader

First of all

happy pride month❤🧡💛💚💙💜

I hope you're enjoying it from the safety of your home because of the lovely little pandemic we have going on here

Second of all, wow.
I made this book back in 2015 in October I believe

It is june of 2020 and currently this thing has 738k reads

Almost a million, absolute insanity

Yes, I don't make scenarios anymore but that doesn't mean I can't be thankful to you guys cause you're the ones reading it, voting for parts, and commenting

Speaking of, a little over three years ago I did a Q&A

I've decided to do it again.

This time, you can ask anything you want. It can be vague or personal, or even just an assumption you had about me. I don't care

Will answering them take a while? Absofuckinglutely

But do I love answering things and why not be transparent with you guys

You're my army of potatoes and you all are precious to me

So leave a comment or send me a message I'll leave the window for asking things open until july 1, the day after my birthday, then, if I stay on top of it, I'll probably have that chapter out on the 2nd or 3rd

Can't wait to see what you all wanna know

Also, I doubt it, but if you want an updated face reveal just let me know

A lot has changed over five years

Love you all,

Stay creative, and remember, black lives matter🖤🖤🖤

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