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Hey guys just a little note

I've been seeing some comments saying stuff like
"So and so isn't a creepypasta"
"So and so doesn't act like this/doesn't talk like this"
"This isn't realistic" etc etc....

Okay lemme just say something
I see all your comments and I get it

Everything I write isn't going to be spot on accurate

Most of this stuff just rolls out of my head and I write it without much of a second thought

If the way I portray a character/person isn't how you know the character/person then I'm sorry

And if you don't like how I portray that character/person then just don't read their part

I feel like this is gonna sound rude so again I'm sorry if my portrayal of a certain character/person isn't how you know them, this is just stuff I've seen and outcomes that pop in my head

Okay? No hate to the people who commented stuff like this you guys are probably awesome people

I just felt like I should say something about it

Again no hard feelings

Bye bye

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