New Character: Bloody Painter

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How you met
You were in an art class and doing somewhat decently. You got up to get a different pencil when you noticed another students work. It was amazing. You couldn't help but move close to him to get a better look. You didn't think he noticed you till you heard him speak. "Can you not look over my shoulder." He said not looking up from his artwork. "Oh right. Sorry, it's just that your work is really beautiful and I couldn't help myself." You said apologizing. "You can look, just not over my shoulder like a hawk. And don't get in the way either." He said continuing to work as if this always happens. "Alright." You said and abandoned your own work just to watch him do his. When the class ended he hung back even when everyone left, besides you of course. "What are you gonna do with it?" You asked seeing him get up. "I need red paint so I'm not done." He said with an emotionless tone that matched his face. "Red? But there's plenty of red paint here." You said confused. "It's special paint I need. If I use any other paint it'll ruin it." He said and left his painting on the table. "Oh right. Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow uh what's your name?" You asked. "Helen." He said. "Nice name. I'm Y/n. I'll see you tomorrow Helen." You said and left the art studio.

You hang out
The next day you went to the art studio as usual and saw Helen painting with a container of red paint or as what saw as paint. "Oh you got your paint, that's good." You said sitting by him so you could watch. You felt that there was something off about the 'paint' but didn't want to say anything. After the art class ended you stayed back with Helen like you did the day before. "So now what are you gonna do with it?" You asked like you did the day before. "Here." He held the painting out to you. "What? You want me to take it? But it's yours. You worked hard on it." You said. "I want you to have it, as reference maybe. And here, I got these for you." He said and took out a pack of new paint brushes. "Really? Thank you. I did plan on buying some myself." You said taking the pack. "I know, you started using more paint than normally necessary. If you'd like I can help you improve." He offered. "If it isn't a bother." You said. The two of you spent the next couple hours painting together as he gave you tips on how to do certain things.

He gets feelings for you
She's pretty cute. I doubt she really likes me back. Maybe I'll make a painting of her. Yeah maybe. I hope she doesn't find out I killed her cousin to get my red 'paint'.

First date
How he asked- "would you like to come on a um date with me?"
How you responded- "sure, sounds fun."
Where you went- art museum
Afterwards- "that was fun, which one was your favorite?" You asked. "The abstract ones." He said. "Mine to." You both had a lot of fun

First kiss
You and Hellen were sketching together but he wouldn't let you see what he was drawing. "What are you drawing?" You asked for probably the fourth time. He sighed and leaned over kissing you for a bit then pulled back going back to sketching. "You have your answer." He said blushing. You were blushing to and went back to sketching the two of you kissing.

When you're on your period- complaining
You were having the worst case of cramps so you were bed ridden. Hellen helped you and gave you heating pad to relax your muscles. It was nice but you still complained and whined about the pain making him walk out on you a couple times.

You call Hellen- masterpiece maker
Hellen calls you- rose

When you see his face
He doesn't wear his mask around you so you see his face all the time

You say something dirty in a different language
Language- English (I'm being lazy)
What you said- "will you paint me like Aphrodite?" (she's mainly depicted naked btw)
His response- "if that's what you want then I'll do it"

He meets your family
"Is this necessary?" Hellen asked not seeming enthusiastic about meeting your parents. Well he isn't very enthusiastic about really anything. "Yes. Because I can't keep you a secret." You said going to their doorstep. "You haven't done much to try." He mumbled as you knocked. Your mom and dad answered. "There you are. We were starting to think you cancelled. Come in come in." Your mom said. "So this is the lucky boy?" She asked once you all were in the living room. "Yep. His name is Hellen." You said. Your dad snickered making you mom elbow him in the side. "That's a great name. It's very nice to meet you." Your mom said. "What kind of boy is name Hellen? Haha!" Your dad laughed. "Dad! Don't be rude!" You said. Hellen didn't look phased. "What got nothing to say boy?" He asked. "Your laughing makes me uncomfortable. Can we leave now?" He said plainly. "Uh well yeah I guess." You said as he stood up. "Goodbye." He said and left making you say bye and follow him.

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