you self harm pt. 1 (I'm doing three at a time)

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WARNING!!!! Obviously there will be mentions of self harm. If this makes you uncomfortable in any way shape or form you don't have to read. No this is not to make fun of anyone who does any of these to themselves. I personally don't do any of these, only cause pain scares me. Take away the pain and I probably would cut myself to. Also, I might go into detail so please, you've been warned.

Slenderman- cutting
'Dammit! There's too much blood! He'll notice for sure! I should've...... been paying.......more....attention....' "Y/n? Y/n! Wake up! Y/n can you hear me!?" I barely opened my eyes only to see a distressed Slender. "I-i woke up..." I said softly, sounding a bit disappointed. "Oh thank god you're awake!" He sounded so relieved. I closed my eyes again unable to look at him. It hurt to see anyone be so concerned about me. "Doll, why? Why did you do this to yourself?" He questioned me. I opened my eyes and clearly faked a smile. "I don't know what you're talking about." I said softly. I felt him moved my bloodied sleeve and cold air hit my almost fresh cuts. "You know what I'm talking about. So why?" He asked. The amount of concern in his voice hurt me. "I-it's my fault. You have to take care of me.... All because I have this stupid body. This stupid mortal body..." I said and teared up. He wiped away my tears. "No no you've got it all wrong doll. I want to take care of you. You're my whole world, and I love being there for you. This body doesn't change a single thing. I love your body, your mind, everything. But you can't do this to yourself. Cause then I'll lose you, and I don't want that." He said sounding like he was about to cry. I felt terrible for being so selfish. "I'm sorry, I don't want to leave you. Ever." I said and he smiled in relief. "I'm glad you want to stay. Now come on, I need to wrap up those arms of yours.

Jeff the killer- burning
I winced when I held the match to my arm and watched a burn form. Once I was satisfied with the degree of the burn and blew out the match. This was probably ninth burn on my arms alone. I had self inflicted burns on my stomach, legs, and lower back. Of course I wasn't gonna let Jeff find out so I gradually started wearing long sleeves and pants. But to make sure I wouldn't become suspicious I wore regular looking things, like thin long sleeves and yoga pants when it got hot. "Y/n, you forgot your towel downstairs....." Jeff had walked in while I was getting ready to take a shower. "Uh thanks you can go now." I said and didn't move from my spot. "Why do you have burns all over you?" He asked and stepped closer. I moved to walk away but he stopped me. "Where did these burns come from?" He asked me again. "Me." I answered him. "What?" I could tell my answer wasn't enough. "I did it okay! I caused it!" I snapped at him. "Y/n wh-" "Don't ask me that! It's all his fault and he knows it! Blame him." I said. "Who are you talking about?" He asked sounding worried, which wasn't a normal thing for him. "My asshole of a brother. He told me I shouldn't have been born and that mistakes should burn. I wasn't strong enough to ignore it either." I said looking down. "You aren't a mistake, he doesn't know what he's talking about. But hurting yourself like that isn't the answer and you know it." He said. "Seems like the answer to m-" "stop it dammit! The y/n I fell in love with was a badass who puts glass tables in front of fucking windows! Where did my y/n? If you know, I'd like to have her back." He said. I sighed. He was right I wasn't acting like myself at all. "You know I hate to admit it but your right. This is ridiculous." I said. "Great! Now take a shower, you smell." He said. I punched his shoulder. "Shut up." I went into the bathroom to take my shower.

BEN drowned- below freezing water
''BEN I'm gonna take a bath, I'll be back." You said and got up after pausing the game you were playing. "Again? This is like the third bath today. Are you even washing yourself?" BEN asked. "I am. It's this new thing my friend told me about. It helps get rid of all the dead skin." You lied. "Oh, well I guess that does makes sense." He shrugged. "Just hurry back, I'm ready to win." "Yeah I'll be back soon." You went upstairs to the bathroom and turned on the water. But I didn't turn the dial to the warm side like most people do. No, I turned it as cold as possible and filled the bathtub. I also had added some ice to make it even colder. Once I got in I could feel myself shivering and trying to find some kind of warmth. I endured it but soon my vision got a bit blurry. Its gotten before but by that time I have enough of a mind to get out. This time I didn't get out and just slumped so the water was up to my neck. I closed my eyes to stop the blurry vision but didn't notice that I was slipping deeper into the ice water since I had gone numb to anything but the freezing feeling. It wasn't until I started coughing and shivering badly that I opened my eyes. "Y/n! Y/n are you alright?!" I could see BEN kneeling in front of me. There were a few blankets around me. "What...... happened?" I asked. "You came up to get a bath but when you didn't come down after an hour I got worried and saw you passed out under the water." He said. "Oh." I sighed a bit when I realized that I hadn't gotten out when I planned to. "Y/n, is everything okay? You haven't been yourself lately." He said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You constantly take these freezing cold showers, you avoid warmth and embrace cold. I know you may like the cold but going outside in shorts and a t-shirt is not right when it's snowing." He said. He was right. I did like the cold but I didn't like that I liked it. "I was trying to prove that too much of a good thing is bad. Guess it worked." I said. "Why don't we just lower the temperature inside and we stay away from cold water." BEN said. I nodded in agreement and got up once my body temperature returned to normal.

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