5. Creepy Porch Lady

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Ronnie's POV:

"Oh shit..." I thought out loud.

"Don't worry. He won't kill you. It was just a hug." I heard Carter say, then I realized I was talking out loud. I didn't reply to her and opened my door closing it behind me. Max grabbed my jacket and pushed me back towards the door making me hit it. Hard. I'm not sure why I was so afraid, I could so kick Max's ass. And besides, I wouldn't need to. Nothing happened.

"DUDE. What the fuck is your problem?!" I yelled shaking his arms off my jacket. Fear evident in my voice. Even though I tried my best not to let it show.

"Lay off my sister man. She's a baby. And I swear if you hurt her..." Max trailed off. The muscles in his face finally relaxing. "Just don't go near her. Seriously." He sounded less angry.

"No worries man. It was just a friend hug. Swear." I said, no trace of fear in my voice this time.

"Good. No hard feelings?" Max asked, clearly sincere.

"Course not." I said, non-chelant.

"Well if you princesses are done with your little tango," I heard Craig's voice cut in, "We have a creepy lady on the porch to attend to."

"Oh yeah, I forgot why I came back to the car." Max said.

"What is she doing here?" I asked, looking around trying to find out what was going on. Carter was now stepping out of the car.

"She's been stalking me and Max since you went to jail." Craig said trying to explain.

I just gave him a confused glare.

"She's pissed at us. She says we are the reason you got locked up. She refuses to leave until you go talk to her." Max explains more clearly.

"Oh God, another fangirl? Terrific. I'll just turn on the ol' Radke charm and get rid of her." I pushed passed the guys not even giving them a chance to say anything. I trugded up  the driveway to the porch. I tapped on the chick's shoulder making her turn around. For a creepy fangirl she was kinda hot. Ugh, what's with me? I need to get girls off my mind. I cleared my head enough to speak "Uhm, Hi? I'm Ronnie Radke." I chuckled as her jaw dropped. She looked like she was gonna faint. She kinda did. I reached out and grabbed her arm as she went limp, bad idea. She screamed. Startling the hell outta me making me drop her. She fell to the porch with a loud thud.

"DUDE. I am so sorry!" I said, wanting to help her up but afraid she might scream, or faint again.

She collected herself and stood up. "Sorry, you must think I'm an idiot. Fainting like this after refusing for 3 years to stop stalking Max and Craig to meet you." Her cheeks were turning bright red.... She was actually embarrassed! It was beyond cute. And again... The word was so an issue in my vocabulary.

"You know, normally yeah. I'd think you were totally creepy and ask you to leave me alone," Her face dropped. She was gonna cry, until I finished my statement "But you are actually pretty cool. So I am gonna make an exception and not think you are creepy, but on one condition." I said, I wasn't actually gonna do this was I?

"Anything. I promise" She told me, hope glimmering in her eyes.

"Well, it's pretty obvious, stop stalking Max and Craig. I admire your 'Go-Getting Never Giving Up Attidtude', but it's kinda creeping them out." regardless of how hot she was I wasn't gonna sugar coat how weird that is.

"Okay, I promise. All I wanted was to see you. And now that I have I have no need to creep them out anymore. Thanks for not thinking I'm creepy. haha, I'll go now." She smiled sweetly and turned to leave, I grabbed her arm and pulled her back to me. What was I doing?! Whatever it was I needed to stop this. But I couldn't....

"Hey. Leaving so soon? We were just getting to know each other." I smirked at her and winked. Oh God, how is this going to end?!

"Mkay. I'll stay. What do you want to know?" She smiled so sweetly. Crap.... Not this. i knew what I was gonna say next.

"Well your name and number of course." I smirked again. Crap, this had gone too far. I'm so stupid some times. But the smile on her face made me push that thought right out of my head.

"Sure. Can I write it on your arm?" Her smile was contagious, i found a smirk had creeped across my face once again.

"Why yes you can pretty lady." I said extending my arm towards her. She pulled out a sharpie. She came prepared. i chuckled to myself as she wrote her name and number down. It kinda tickled. She capped the sharpie and i looked at my arm. Her name was Lexi. It fits her personality.

"Alright. so call me, or text me sometime. I'd love to hang out." i didn't say anything. i just continued staring into her eyes... They were so beautiful... Ugh. Me and my words again. I snapped out of my trance when I noticed she started talking again. "Or not... it's cool either way."

"No. It's cool. Definately be expecting a call from me sometime." I winked at her once more before waving goodbye as she walked away with the biggest smile I've ever seen. That was an interesting turn of events. I wonder if I'll actually call? Just to make sure I didn't lose the number I quickly put her number in my phone. Just as I was putting it back in my pocket I saw Craig, Carter, and Max approaching me. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks, was I blushing? Oh shit. I so was.

"Make a new friend there?" max said, obviously amused by the situation.

"Shut up dude. She's pretty cool." I told him. the color finally fading from my cheeks.

"Don't forget she's hot." Craig spoke up next. I heard Carter mumble something, I couldn't understand her so I leaned closer with my hand on my ear in a sarcastic way and asked "What?"

"I said she's a creepy fangirl. Who is obviously desperate if she gave her number to you." She spoke clear this time. I sear that was jealousy in her voice.  Max, craig, and I all stared at her. Each of us trying to figure out why she even cared. That's when I figured it out. HAHA. Max's sister likes me. Kinda funny. i think max and Craig got it too becausue they looked like they were gonna laugh. Carter turned bright red and said

"Are we gonna get our shit or stand around out here all day?" Trying to change the subject... She was so guilty.

"Woah. Carter, watch your language!" Max went all motherly on her. It was hard for me to hold back a laugh. Craig was obviously having the same problem.

"Shut the hell up Max and open the door." She was clearly pissed. Damn, it was so her time of the month. Max obviously wanted to say something to her but didn't. He just pulled out his keys and opened the door.

"Where the hell is the moving van?" Max asked slighty irritated. We heard the van outside. It showed up right on cue. We then spent  the  the next three hours packing boxes into the moving van. then two hours after that packing stray items and moving those into the van. It was about 11 at night when we finished. The whole house was cleared out. We piled back into the car and had the moving van followw us to the new house. We were too tired to help move anything out of the van. The movers did all the work. All the guys, and Carter crashed on the living room floor. So not excited to repeat this all over again tommorrow.

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