26. Too Much Quiet

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Ronnie's POV: 

"Dude. It's too quiet in here." I complained for the thousandth time in the last ten minutes. 

"I know. You keep saying that. Now please, shut up and watch the show." Monte answered, the rest left, already tired of my whining. 

"But I don't wanna. I wanna sit in the backyard with Carter listening to Family Force 5 like we used to." I whined yet again. 

"Dude. That was yesterday." he answered flipping through the chanels. 

"But it seems so long agooo." I complained. 

"Gah, Ronnie! What am I supposed to do about it?!" he asked finally ticked off. Damn, I pissed off Monte. That takes a lot of effort. 

"Get them home." I pouted before getting up and stomping upstairs, much to Monte's pleasure because I heard him sigh with relief. I do feel bad about whining so much but I miss Carter. And Max too. Yeah sure I've got my band but I can't cuddle next to them and watch scary movies. Well I can but it'd be awkward. And wouldn't help the gay rumors much.... 

I just want it to be the way it was 2 months ago. Before Carter went to the hospital, before she started doing drugs again. Before Max started doing drugs again. It that too much to ask? Apparently so. Whatever higher power there is up there dislikes me. And enjoys my suffering. 

Really Ronald? 

Am I seriously being this selfish? Max and Carter are getting clean. Which was my idea to begin with. So instead of whining and complaining I should look at the brightside and be happy that when I see them next they'll be in much better shape then they've been in awhile. I just need to focus on my friends and my music until they get back. I need to be happy. Maybe then I'll stop annoying the guys. And honestly, they've only been gone a day. I can and will do this. Be happy, it's for the best.

Carter's POV: 

"MAXXX! MOM! Somebody!!" I screamed through the house between sobs. Withdrawal is a bitch. My mom came stomping unwillingly up to the bathroom. 

"What now?" she asked irritated that I called for her. Again. 

"It hurts." I whined clutching my head trying not to pull at my hair. 

"Well duh. You put poison into your body. Your body became dependent on it. And now you're taking that poison away. Your body is going to get angry. But atleast you aren't killing yourself. Now, take this" she handed me a tylenol, "and go lay down. Trsut me, sleeping will feel better than being sprawled all over this hard tiled floor." wow. That's the sweetest she's been to me since I got here. Hell, that's the sweetest she's been to me in years. 

"Thanks mommy." I said acting like the child that I truly am. 

"You're welcome. Now, shoo." she helped me up and walked me to my old bedroom. I laid down and fell asleep soon after. This is gonna be a looooong 6 months. I can tell. But looking at the promise ring on my finger I smile. Ronnie. Ronnie will get me through this. Thoughts of him. His voice. His texts. I can do this. If I keep my mind on a clean life with Ronnie at my side, not to mention a sober Max. So this pain? All worth it in the end if things go back to normal, or whatever my life is on a regular basis. Chaos is a better word. But, I love my chaos as long as all my friends and family is in it.

Craig's POV: 

"HEY GUYS. GET YO ASSES IN THE LIVING ROOOM." I alled to the house. I few seconds later I heard doors opening and closing as well as footsteps on the stairs. Then there were 4 people standing in front of me. 

"I just got a call from Bret. Apparently Escape the Fate and Falling in Reverse are gonna be headlining a tour together this winter.(January to early March 2011) With Black Veil Brides and 2 other bands who I can't remember for the life of me. But yeah, that's the gist of it." I told them trying to recall all the details Bret gave me. 

"Cool." Ronnie said simply before going back to his room. Poor guy. I know how he feels. Leila and Gab went back to Arizona. I'm going to move out the soon. I'll miss the guys but that's my family. 

"Who's gonna replace Max on tour?" Monte asked. 

"TJ Bell. He used to play in Motionless in White." I said. Monte nodded as did Robert then they both went to their rooms. Leaving me and Jacen in the living room. 

"Hey Jace, how you holding up?" I asked quietly, as if afraid to shatter her feelings with my voice. 

"How do you think I'm doing? I'm the only girl left in the house and my boyfriend is going to be gone for 6 months. That's how I'm doing." she answered pissed that I even asked. What else was I supposed to say!? 

"Sorry. Just thougt I'd ask. You've been really quiet lately and I don't know, I was worried?" I replied earnestly. She sighed. 

"Sorry Craigifer. It's just I'm a little down since Max and Carter left, and I feel all alone." She said taking a seat on the couch. I sat next to her. 

"Well I'll bet Ronnie feels the exact same way. Maybe you should go talk to him." I suggested 

"Good idea. Thanks." she stood and went upstairs. I sighed and sat back satisfied with myself.

Jacen's POV: 

I climbed the stairs deciding to take Craig's advice and talk to Ronnie. I went to his door and heard him singing softly. He has such a great voice. I knocked slightly and heard shuffling before the door opened and a very sad looking Ronnie stood before me. 

"Hey." he said motioning with his arm for me to enter. I did and took a seat on his bed, he joined me. 

"It sucks." I said once I got fed up with the silence that filled the room. Ugh. This silence, I really just cannot take it anymore. It's too quiet now! 

"It does. I just miss her." Ronnie spoke understanding what I was saying. 

"And I miss him. I miss Carter too though. She saved me from being the only female around this place. And with Gab and Leila gone now I'm really screwed." I added with a chuckle. He joined. Before I knew it we were both in a laughing fit rolling around clutching our sides. It wasn't that funny, but I guess we just needed a laugh. 

"Wow. What the fuck were we even laughing about?" He asked wiping a tear from his eye.  

"I have no idea. But that was fun." I answered also wiping a tear away.  

I looked up at a smiling Ronnie. Jeez he looks adorable. I couldn't stop what happened next. I leaned up and kissed him. I kissed Ronnie. Before he could react I realized what I was doing and pulled away from him. My mouth opened but words wouldn't form. I sprinted from his room slamming the door after me and bolting to my bedroom. Max. I need to call Max and tell him about this. I picked up my phone and dialed his number. 

"Hey babe! I was just about to call you." his voice was hoarse but he sounded happy. 

"Hey! What were you gonna tell me?" I asked 

"I was going to say that I'm doing better. And I'm happy you guys forced me to come. It's not fun going through withdrawal and shit but I know when I get clean I'll have a good girl waiting for me, and my best friends too." Damn..... He's made this hard. 

"That's good babe. I'm happy. But I have something to tell you." 


"I kissed Ronnie. I'm really sorry I did it, I didn't mean to. The second I did my heart dropped and I pulled away and left before he did or said anything. I came and called you." I said in one big rush. The silence on the other end killed me. 

"Thanks for telling me. I gotta go. Bye." And he hung up. I think I just ruined this relationship.... And Carter's too. Wow. Way to go Jacen.

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